Chapter 19

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When Graduation finally came, I was overjoyed. It was finally time for me to go. I was also extremely excited that I was graduating with my best friend. We'd pretended to walk and get our diplomas many times when we were younger. I remember her pretending to be both the principals and my shouting parents. 

I looked around to see where everyone was sitting. My parents were on the right of me. I looked around for Grammy and Bryson. They were on the other side and to my surprise, Adeline was with them. When they saw me, they waved and I waved back. Bryson winked at me. I gave him a thumbs up trying to keep my composure from that wink.

The ceremony was going to start in eight minutes. I was a little nervous I might fall. I looked where my parents were and my mother smiled at me. I smiled back. No matter how hurt I was by my parents, I was still happy they were there.

Finally, the ceremony was starting.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman." The head of our district spoke. "Welcome to Southview High's graduation!" The audience clapped.

I tuned out thinking about later. I was nervous about dinner since Grammy, Adeline and Bryson were coming. The only thing saving Bryson from my father was perhaps Grammy. I was scared of what my parents would think.

I tuned back in when I heard them calling names. I waited and waited for my name to be called. It wouldn't take long to get to me.

When I heard my name, a rush of excitement and nervousness filled me all at once.

"You go, girl!" I heard Lorise yell. I heard a few screams from my parents and I'm pretty sure I heard Bryson, but I couldn't tell because his volume level never went above a five.

"Liberty is graduating summa cum laude with a 4.0, 30 credits, and a scholarship to Columbia University." I planned on not using.

After the ceremony was done, I didn't see my parents or Lorise. I did spot Grammy, Adeline, and Bryson. He squeezed me with a hug.

"I'm so proud of my girl!" He kissed me. Adeline and Grammy looked at each other in shock.

I moved toward Adeline. "Thank you for coming!" I said to her. She gave me a hug.

"I'm very proud."

"Yes, now you're starting your life," Grammy gave me a bright smile. 

"I'm going to head to the restroom real quick," Adeline told us. 

We walked out to the lobby of the building where my parents were. 

"Congratulations baby girl!" They said embracing me in a hug. I stepped back. I took a deep breath.

"Mama, daddy, this is Bryson." I linked my arm with his.

My father's face wasn't showing any signs of lashing out or anything. I took that as a good sign.

"Nice to meet you, sir, ma'am." He shook their hands.

"Well, it's about time we met. So, this is the boy that's always making you smile," my mother said. She had this strange look on her face. Her eyes were squinted.

"So, he's your grandson?" My father asked Grammy suspiciously. 

"Yes, he is." Grammy smiled proudly.

My mother still had that look on her face. She was looking at him as if she'd seen him before.

"What's your name again?" My mother asked Bryson.

"Bryson Johnson."

"Bryson Johnson." She repeated almost questioning it. She was figuring something out in her head. "What is it, mama?" I asked her.

Then, Adeline came out of the bathroom. "So, where are we eat-" She stopped when she saw my mother. The look on their faces said they knew each other.

"Addey!" My mother gasped. "Mary!" Adeline smiled wide. They hugged each other like they were little kids excited to see each other at the park.

I looked at Bryson. He just shrugged.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in such a long time," my mother asked.

"I've been here the whole time Mary." They both began crying and hugged again.

"So, you know each other."

"She was my best friend!" My mother said happily.

"How did you not know Grammy was her mother?" I asked.

"I never met her mother. She never let me come over."

Most likely because of Adeline's father.

"What happened to us?" Adeline asked my mother.

"Bryce Johnson. You were all over him. He's all you focused on." My mother responded. Adeline looked so sorrowful. "I'm so sorry, Mary. I shouldn't have ever let you go."

"So, you married him?" My mother asked. Adeline nodded. "Oh good! At least you did. I would be so surprised if you didn't. You two were meant for each other." I was still in shock. My mother and Bryson's mother were best friends.


When we got to the restaurant, the two best friends insisted on sitting next to each other. No one else in the room mattered; the two buddies were back together again.

Bryson was laughing to himself. I gave him a suspicious look.

"What's so funny?"

"You were mine from the beginning. Before we were even born. You were meant to be mine."

I crossed my arms. "And what makes you so sure?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you see it? Our mothers were best friends. We could've met that way, but since we didn't God gave us a different route. You always go to my grandmother's coffee shop. My grandmother. Either way or, you would've been mine. And you are," he said smiling, that smile. "You're meant to be mine!"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh lord!" I said. 

"You know you love me, girl," Bryson said leaning in closer. 

"My father!" I whisper shouted. He had been looking at us with a grim expression. Bryson took his arm from around me.

When I looked at Lorise, she mouthed, "told you so."

"Whatever." I mouthed back. But, she was right. I was touching clouds.

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