Chapter 20

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Harry's P.O.V

The way Sapphire looks at Niall is killing me. She never looked at me like that. Niall's looking at her like she's the only girl in this fucking world. Louis decided to order Pizza and it will be delivered in 10 minutes. Louis goes to his room to grab the photo album. Uhmmm,our group have photo album, it’s so creepy but Louis suggested it so we have nothing to do with it. Sarah and Liam is talking about some surfing activities, Louis joined them. Zayn and Casey is sort of flirting, I knew something was up with them. But wait, Jade likes Zayn right? And Casey is Jade's cousin, great. This is a big conflict. I look for Sapphire around the living room, I spotted her dark hair immediately, and great she's with Niall having a laugh together. I just rolled my eyes. I'm sitting in this shit of a sofa while holding my phone. Sapphire and Niall walk past me and they sit beside me.

'Oh my gosh. You're an Irish?' Sapphire giggles. So she likes him now because Niall is Irish?

'Yep' Niall smirks. The way they laugh together is something me and Sapphire never did. My jealousy is attacking me and in any moment my anger will explode.

I look through my phone and give Niall a quick text.


Enjoying your time with my girl?

Niall excuses himself to Sapphire and texted me back.


What? Your girl? Sapphire is single.

He looks at me and smiled.


She's mine Mate.

He laughs at my text to him and Sapphire seems amuse.


I'll ask her out for a romantic date. Don't use her Harry. I know what you're doing, don’t ruin her life like what you did to Rose.

I stand up and grab Niall's collar, I punched him hard on the face. Zayn quickly stopped me and Liam helped Niall to stand. Sapphire was so shocked by my recent actions. I taught she's going to hug me and tell me to control my temper like what she's always doing, but guess what, she holds Niall's face and touched the spot that I'd punched.

'What's wrong with you?' She asked me, disgust is clear on her voice.

'Fuck!' I scream. I walked through the front door and Louis followed me to my car.

'Harry what's wrong?' Louis asked me worriedly.

'Can't you see? Niall is fucking flirting with her' I booms.

'Harry I know it hurts you see them that way, but I think they're just friends. They only met. And yeah I saw the way she reacts to Niall but I know she loves you more' Louis cheers me up.

'You're only saying that' I scream.

‘Calm down. I know Niall he's one of your best mates, remember when Rose and you is fucked up he's been there for you' He pats my back.

'While he's talking to Sapphire we're texting. He said that I ruined Rose's life' I cried.

'Harry it’s been 2 years ago, forget about that and look your girl is coming' He said pointing to Sapphire who's walking toward us.

Louis smiled to the both of us and he leaved. Sapphire stands in front of me, looking at my eyes.

'Why did you punch Niall?' Her voice is calm. 

'It’s none of your god damn business' I spit at her.

'What's wrong with you?'

'Oh nothing. I'm fine. How about you?' I said sarcastically.

'He asked me out' She admits.

'So? Did you accept it? It will be fun, you know hanging out with him, having a laugh and everything' I fake a smile.

'No I didn't accept it.' She looks at me again. I'm sort of relieved.

'But why?' I questioned her.

'Because I already made a promise to this guy that I will tell him when I'm ready to be his girlfriend.' My heart sinks at her words.

'But this guy is not Irish. He's not cute and handsome as Niall' I said.

'I'm not an Irish like Niall. And you know what this guy is the most handsome lad I've ever seen. For me he's perfect. And I love him more than Ireland.' She gave me her most beautiful smile.

'And I'm sure that guy loves you more than his life' I said giving her a kiss.

She kissed back. Our kiss keeps getting better and better from time to time. I bite her bottom lip as she let out a gasp. I like the fact that I can still make her blush like this. We pulled away, and hug. She pulled back, holds my hand and smiled at me as we walk inside.

Niall gave me a strange look, like he's going to kill me. We sat on the couch and my friends around us.

'Sapphire look this is our photo album. All of our memories is placed there.' Louis handed Sapphire the album. She grabs it with her left hand because her right hand is holding mine.

'You know you two can break your holding hands, don't worry we already saw it' Niall interrupts.

'No Niall,Its fine. I don't want to lose the touch of my world' Sapphire gave him a smile.

'Be careful. Your world is dangerous.' Niall plastered his devil smirk.

'Niall, if you love someone, you would like to be in danger than to see him in pain alone' this is why I love this girl.

'Congrats Harry, you found the right girl' Louis cuts the tension between Sapphire and Niall.

'Sapphire open it. Don't dare to laugh' Zayn laughs.

Sapphire smiled and she opens it. She keeps laughing on every photo she saw. She's already on the last page. A picture of me and Rose kissing in the club. Why the hell this album is not updated? Why did they put this picture? Sapphire stops to laugh and stare at the photo.

'That's Rose. One of our friends, Harry's ex girlfriend before you' Sarah told Sapphire.

'When did this happen?' Sapphire asked.

'Harry's birthday. February 1, two years ago' Casey answers her.

'Why does this album is not updated? Why did it stopped in this picture?'  She asked again, this time not holding my hand anymore.

'Because after that day everything became hell' Liam said. 

'Oh' is everything she said. Louis gets the album and gave it to Sarah. We remain silence, unsure of what to say. I don't know what was going on in Sapphire's mind. After a couple minutes we decided to go. She will stay at my flat. The entire ride is quite. She walks to my room and I followed her. She's lying down on my bed, trying to fall asleep. I leave her in my room, letting her sleep. I'll just talk to her when she woke up.

- - -

Author's note:

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the very loooooooooooong wait. I can't find time but here it is. What do you think? I hope you're not mad at me. sorry again. Love you all.

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