Chapter 31

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Friday. This week passed by so fast. We decided to have a sleepover at the flat that the boys shares. This flat is huge,I wonder where they get the money to buy this kind of flat. They started to become friends when they were younger. Harry was 16. Zayn,Niall and Liam were 17 and Louis was 19. They shared their money they collected from their jobs to buy this flat that they share. They moved out from their original houses because they want "freedom" from their parents and they say that it is "manly". They got jobs. Liam and Zayn became a DJ at different clubs. Niall and Louis sells tickets for a football match. And Harry became a boxer. But after half a year their parents decided to support them with money. Louis,Liam and Niall left their jobs because the money their parents gave to them were enough. Zayn continued being a DJ because he loves music. While Harry continued boxing because he earns a lot of money from it.

I'm not really a massive fan of boxing because it's dangerous. I don't know why he chose that kind of career. Liam told me that Harry has some anger issues when he was a child because his father left them when he was six. Maybe money isn't the only reason but because he also wants to let out all anger. But I'm here. I will always be here to help him. To fix him. I want him to get out of his job because that's way too dangerous. He can be a DJ like Zayn because he loves music too and he will earn money from it also. His mom still supports him in terms of money. So, he doesn't need much anyway.

"Sapphire to EARTH!" Louis snaps his fingers at me. I completely forgot that we're watching some sappy movie that Louis chose for our sleepover. We got chips and sodas. We also have our sleeping bags with us.

"Yeah?" I blinked.

"What the hell were you thinking? You were completely zoned out." Louis sends me a glare.

"Nothing. I was just sleepy,I think." I looked down. Harry placed his right arm around my waist to scoot me closer to him.

"Babe,are you okay?" He sly smile at me.

"Yes. I just realized that I really knew nothing about you." I looked at him and gave him a peck on his cheek.

"You can ask me anything. Its nothing like there's so much to know about me." He laughed. Whenever he laughs,it makes my heart melt.

"Why did you chose boxing?" I have to know why he chose this. I'm only concern about his safety.

"What's wrong with boxing? I mean,I got plenty of money from it and it's also a form of exercise." He answered matter of factly.

I decided to drop the topic because I know he won't tell me anything important. He will never tell me anything,deeply.

I just focused on what's going with the tv and watched. Harry noticed that's why he gave me a peck on my cheek.

"This movie is so boring." Jade rolled her eyes.

"I agree." Megan seconds the motion.

"Don't act like you're not about to cry." Louis rolled his eyes at the two. Because he's the one who insists to watch this.

"Let's just order Pizza" Niall chirps in. This guy seriously loves food. Just like me.

"I WANT PIZZAAAAA!" I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

"Go call them now. Pizzaaaaa!" Niall hands me his phone for me to call the pizzeria.

I called the pizzeria and ordered a Hawaiian pizza and Pepperoni pizza. They said to wait for 30 minutes. Damn! That was too long.

"Ughh! I feel so uncomfortable in my place. Let's switch places." Zayn offered. Irritatingly. We all nodded at him.

We changed places and now are places are Liam,Jade,Melissa,Zayn,Harry,Me,Niall, and Louis.

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