Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter13 – Locksley willburn

"Master,forgive. We did not mean to" Guy of Gisborne didn't want to hearhis servants excuses. After he hadn't found any sign of his quietloyal servant in the village of Locksley and neither any hint ofRobin in Sherwood forest he had questioned the remaining servants thenext day.

Hewanted them to suffer for the woman's escape from his estate andstopped only when he got his answers. "We brought her to thestables. We thought she's a thief. We thought she doesn't belonghere"

Thefirst man he stroke down with his sword before he sent all hisservants home. He didn't want to see any of them returning as theyhad no longer a home and work here. These men and women of Locksleyhad never been loyal to him yet they didn't even stood to one oftheir own.

Hisservant girl was lost somewhere. She was alone somewhere and at thehand and the mercy of those who would find her. She had no voice andno strength to defend herself with. He was sure she would be founddead and her body would even properly buried since no one knew her.

"Guard!Take him to Locksey!" Sir Guy left his house and didn't take one ofhis guardsmen with him. He had only one hope to meet Robin on his ownand by chance arrange a deal.

Thisgirl was more than just a servant. Her loyality came without fear andtherefore was special to him. It was different from his loyality tothe sheriff as well as the loyality of his guardsman to him.

Theloyality his servant had shown him was the same the villagers alwaysshow towards Robin Hood. It was a compassion of their hearts whichGuy had seen the first time in the eyes of someone who feltcompassion for him.

"Hood!"At the edge of Sherwood he called for him. Anger had been growinginside of him since the moment he knew she had been taken. Everymuscle of his body wanted to kill Robin for his crimes but to get hisservant back he had to come in peace. "Hood! I came to seek for anexchange! Give me back my servant and I will grant you your life thistime and money as well. You have until midnight! Our Locksley willburn!"

SirGuy repeated the words several times in the forest before he returnedto Locksley Manor and stood by the servants room. "I will have youback"

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