Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter16 – A promise

Guynoticed he wasn't alone anymore. His loyal servant didn't run fromhim and stayed by his side. She sat with him even she didn't look athim. No woman seemed to look at him and no one understood his needfor own title and property. Neither Marian nor Lily gave himsomething to hope for but in just a few days this servant had earnedherself a place in his heart like no one else before.

"Promiseme you never leave this house again. Promise me you never leave meagain" He took her hand and forced her to look at him by holdingher chin up high. "Promise me this and you will never have to worryabout anything ever again. I will keep you safe and you will haveenough to eat and a place to sleep"

Hetried to remain quiet while he felt his temper boiling inside of him.If she didn't give her promise he would scream at her soon. WhileRobin had the whole nation on his side Guy was asking for just one.Lily wasn't even a special one. She was just a nameless servant whowas helpless without a man or master but the same master was feelinghelpless and lost if she wasn't there. "Why don't you answer me?Haven't I done everything? What else do you women want from me?"

Hesaw her opening her mouth before she looked away. A sound was comingto his ears and made him realize his mistake. "Your voice..."

"Letme help you" Sir Guy of Gisborne lifted his servant from her feetand carried her upstairs. A room close to his own was his promise andgift to her and he gently let her sit on her own bed. "This isyours. You have a home here. All I ask is... don't run again. Don'tlet Hood change your mind and... if you accept my rules please find away to let me know"

Thistime he didn't wait for an answer and left her room. Sir Guy ofGisborne left his estate to take his horse to Locksley and watch thelast flames die out before he sent his guards to Nottingham to reportto the Sheriff.


Hiddenin the woods Robin watched his enemy leave until Much stoppedbreathless by his side. "Lily... the servant... Gisborne'sservant... she's gone!"

 "What?"Robin looked around and looked to all of his man. Will and Much, Jackand John and... "Where is Alan?"

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