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the next very morning, when emilia walks in, everyone she walks past greets her or says good morning to her. she walks confidently and confusingly into the lift and presses the button for the tenth floor. she walks down the hall and knocks on the door then goes in.

'good mo whoa am i interrupting something.' she says covering her face with her bag as the two figures hide behind the desk.

'i didn't mean to barge in like this.' she starts to say as the other woman walks quickly passed her but still covering her face with her bag.

'i'm sorry monsieur griezmann.' she says.

'move your bag from your face.' he says as she moves her bag and looks at her shirtless boss.

'enjoying the view miss smith?' he says smirking as he buttons up his shirt.

'yes, london is very beautiful.' she says moving her eyes from his toned muscular body to the view of london behind him.

'cette putain de cravate.' he curses in french, she turns around wondering what he's saying and notices he's struggling putting his tie on.

'let me.' she says going towards him and swatting his hand out the way and takes his tie from his hand. while she's doing his tie, concentrating on the tie, antoine observes her facial features.

'this tie can do many things.' he says smirking.

'like tying it around someone's mouth for them to shut up.' she replies sarcastically.

'i was thinking more in the bedroom department.' he says and her eyes widen and she finishes pulls the tie through the loop and tightens the loop.

'and didn't i say to wear shorter clothes?'

'and didn't i say no?'

'you are very different than any other girl i've met.'

'that's probably because you haven't spoken to any other girl, you've just fucked them.'

'what can i say, i fucked my way up to the top.' he says smug as emilia looks at him in disgust.

'anyways, can i start to work now?'

'of course.' he says going into his desk drawers.

'here's your ipad, this is the only tool you'll need. it's programmed around my schedule only. the passcode is 2103.' he says, she unlocks the ipad and goes onto the schedule app downloaded and opens it but then looks at it confused.

'it hasn't gotten anything scheduled for you today.'

'that's because, miss smith, you're spending today with me.'


'do you always take your employees out for lunch?' she asks, as they sit in a fancy restaurant in soho. the menu is so expensive that emilia can't even afford water.

'no, because you're different than another girl who's worked for me i've decided to try something different as well.'

'thank you, i think.' she replies confused as antoine clicks his fingers and a waiter appears.

'get me a bottle of your finest champagne.' he says and the waiter nods then walks away.

'champagne? is that necessary monsieur griezmann?'

'yes as a celebration of your new job working for me. and plus we both know you could never afford a place like this, you're so poor you can barely pay your rent.

emilia raises both eyebrows in shock at his attitude, how someone could be nice yet so rude in the sentence. emilia looks at him, forcing a smile and restraining herself from slapping him.

'so when i walked in on you and that girl this morning, first i'd like to apologise again for that incident

'just get to straight to the point.' he says looking behind her, she turns around and sees a woman sitting at a table with a lot of cleavage showing.

he is unbelievable, she thought, he is nothing more than a manwhore.

'as i was saying,' she starts to say, 'were you and that girl a thing?' she asks and he lets out a laugh.

'oh miss smith, you do make me laugh.'

'i don't date my employees, miss smith, i fuck them.'

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