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double update because tomorrow i might not able to post. also i've got 13 parts in my drafts just ready to get posted.

the next day, emilia is back at work. when she walks in she sees sophia walks toward her.

'emilia, you're back! how was new york?' she says giving her friend a hug.

'it was good, i loved it there!' she says, they talk for a few minutes before emilia has to leave if not she'll be late for work.

walking down the marble floor, her new louboutin heels clicking on the floor, she opens the door.

'good mo- fuck!' she says covering her face as the two figures get dressed.

'we're back to this huh?' she says sarcastically and uncovering her face as the woman walks quickly past her.

'very funny, miss smith.' he says doing up the buttons up of his shirt and sorting his collar out for his tie, still struggling with his die.

'let me.' she says taking his tie out his hands. this reminds her of when she started working here, finding him and another woman naked in his office then she helps him out with his tie.

'anyways what i was saying when i came out, when i was walking in was good morning, antoine.'

'don't call me antoine, i am your boss, not your friend. it's monsieur griezmann.' he says bluntly as she looks at him confused.

'um okay, so have you read the reviews about the fashion show? they were raving about it!' she says smiling but he just looks at the wall opposite him.

'i can read, i'm not an idiot. and why wouldn't they be raving about it? i organised it.' he says and she scoffs.

'what the fuck is wrong with you?'

'don't talk to me like that, miss smith, i can fire you in a second.' he says looking down at her.

'no i'll talk to you however i like. after what happened in new york, how can you go back to being this selfish dickhead? did none of that mean anything to you?'

'what happens in new york, stays in new york.'

'i honestly can't believe you antoine griezmann and yes i will call you antoine as you told me yourself i can call you that. you had this planned all along didn't you? invite me to new york and treat me like a princess just so you can have sex with me and i can be another girl on your fuck list. i honestly can't this, i knew you were a manwhore but i didn't know you could be this low. you stole my virginity for fuck's sake! to you that was nothing but to me it was important, it was something i cherished until i was ready to do it with someone i trust. i trusted you, i thought that night was so special but to you it was just another meaningless fuck. i bet all those things you told me was bullshit as well wasn't it? well fuck you antoine.' she says before leaving.

antoine just stood there in shock, she was right about him becoming a douchebag when he came back from new york but was wrong about what he said had no meaning. he meant every single word he said to her back in new york, whether it was in the hotel, in fifth avenue or in central park.

antoine's never been the type of person to express his feelings or have a way with words. it's one of his biggest faults and he wishes he could change it but he can't. he also doesn't know what being in love is like, he has no idea how he feels for emilia, it's something that he's never felt before.

that thing, antoine is feeling, is love. love, that word has always scared antoine, he could never commit to something as big as a relationship, as a relationship leads to marriage and a family and antoine could never imagine himself as a father. his reputation is too negative for him to be a father. antoine is scared to love, he scared of doing one simple mistake and fuck everything up, being the kind of person he is.

antoine griezmann is scared of falling in love with emilia.

so antoine or aaron? and why?

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