twenty one

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^ fuck emilia and antoine, i ship ramsey and giroud

the next day, aaron is taking emilia out for lunch. they decide on this restaurant that overlooks the river thames and is near tower bridge but sadly the weather is not nice enough for them to sit outside.

after the waiter comes with with their menus, aaron can't stop admiring emilia.

'do i have something on my face?' she says worriedly, grabbing her phone and looking at her reflection.

'no, no.' he says laughing slightly, 'you're just so beautiful, i can't keep my eyes off of you.'

'aaron stop it.' she says blushing. as she continues looking through the menu, aaron finds the perfect time to take his phone out.

'lia, look at me.' he says and she looks at him and he takes a picture.

'what did you take a picture? did you take a picture of me?' she says confused.

'i took a picture of the art.' he says smiling, emilia looks behind her and around her searching for a painting or a sculpture of some sort.

'but there isn't any art in here?' she asks, but then her phone goes off meaning an instagram notification.

'but there isn't any art in here?' she asks, but then her phone goes off meaning an instagram notification

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aaronramsey : appreciating the art

'oh you meant me! you are too sweet, the world is so lucky to have a guy like you.'

'and the world is so lucky to have a woman as beautiful as you.'

antoine is currently waiting outside of a house waiting for his friend to answer.

'antoine? what are you doing here? come in.' he says confused in french letting his friend in.

'i've fucked up big time olivier.' he says walking into the living room, his hand constantly running through his hair.

'what have you done now.' says olivier sighing.

'i've lost her, that's what.'

'lost who? what are you talking about?'

'emilia, last night i went over to her flat and i was super nervous and everything and when the door opened. there was this guy! and the worst thing is he was super nice and attractive!' says antoine sitting down.

'antoine, you need to give me some more details. you're confusing me and slightly worrying me.' says olivier.

'those five days in new york with emilia were magical. that's the first time i've genuinely felt happy. just her presence itself made me happy, she makes me a better man. every day we had together was special and it just felt right. the way she kissed me, the way she held me, the way she touched me, just the way she was with me. i've never felt this way about anyone before and it's scaring me. i don't know what to do or how to feel. i'm scared and confused but i'm also loving the feeling. i crave to be around her all the time, i crave for her touch. what is this feeling olivier? it's destroying me on the inside.' says antoine his voice breaking at the end of the sentence.

olivier looks at his friend, surprised at what he has just said, but he just sighs and sits next to his friend.

'antoine, what you are feeling is love. you are falling in love with emilia.' he says but antoine just scoffs.

'let me finish. i've known you a long time antoine, i've seen you change from the shy boy you used to be, to the guy that sleeps with a lot of women to this. but i've never seen you like this over a girl before, when you talk about her your face just lights up and you just get lost in your thoughts and ramble on and on about her. you adore her, you and i both know you do. but the thing you're scared of the most is love. you've never fallen in love before and you're scared it's going to break you. love is a scary thing but it also is one of the most passionate things.'

'i'm scared, it's going to shatter me into pieces. you know what kind of guy i am, i'm no good with a relationships but seeing emilia with that guy yesterday, that just destroyed me. it destroyed my chances with her. in new york everything was perfect but then she stood me up on the last night of new york. i was so upset by that, it turned me into a douchebag and that's what made her hate me again and to make things worst, i stole something that was something she cherished and respected a lot.'

'which is?' asks olivier, his eyebrow raised.

'her virginity.'

'antoine how could you! you know unlike some girls you have sex with, some girls actually respect themselves and their first time is a very big step for them. you shouldn't have done that.'

'i know, i know but she was so up for it, i took the chance and blew it. she thinks of me the same way she did when we first met.' he says sighing.

'i'm crazy about her olivier, she's like a drug and i'm the addict.'

so what do you think to olivier? and what do you think to antoine, do you how he is?


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