twenty eight

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thank you for over 9k! i never expected that many reads because this fanfiction is so shit.

antoine walked emilia to her hotel room, his arm around her, as she held onto him tight. she's still a little shaken from what just happened.

'thank you for walking me for saving me earlier, it means a lot. and also for walking me to my room.' she says smiling.

'it's no problem miss smith, i'm just glad you're safe and not hurt.'

'do you want to come in for a drink? as we never did get that drink.' she asks.

'oh no, it's perfectly fine, thank you. you'd better get some sleep, you've worked extremely hard and i'm forever grateful.'

'it's okay, i enjoyed it a lot, i don't even consider work.' she says and stopping for a moment, 'also antoine, i know you don't like it when i call you from your first name, i mean, you're my boss and everything and we've had our fights but i'm just glad you're always there for me. i'm glad to call you my friend.' she says smiling.

friend, that one word repeated itself in antoine's mind.

'well you're very welcome.' he says faking a smile.

'goodnight antoine.' she says standing on her tip toes to kiss his cheek then closing her door.

'bonne nuit emilia.' he says sighing.


'let me take a photo!'


'come on please!'

'no antoine!'

'please? it's your first time being part of a fashion show and i want to capture the moment for you! just so when you're big and famous, i know what competition i'm up again.'

'alright fine.' she says giving in and she poses in front of some clothes, she's helped make.

' she says giving in and she poses in front of some clothes, she's helped make

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antogriezmann : fashion world, watch out for one of the future best.

'wait did you put that on your social media accounts?'

'yes why?'

'won't people think it's weird? just having some random girl on you account.'

'if i get asked, i'll explain, simple as that. now i have to go, are you sure you don't want to watch the show? you have a front row seat.'

'well i would but won't i look a little strange next to all these celebrities?'

'what do you mean strange? i'll get the make up crew to make you outshine the famous person.' he says with a smirk.


'i'm nervous.' she says looking at her in the distance.

'why? she's still human like both of us. she's extremely down to earth.' he says.

'have you met her before?' she says but then she remembers, 'actually don't answer that.' she says and walks to her seat and sits down, scrolling on her phone to make herself look less awkward.

'hey, you're emilia right?' she says and emilia looks at the woman in shock.

'and you're rihanna.' she says nearly chocking, 'how do you know my name?'

'i've seen you on twitter, you're dating antoine griezmann aren't you?'

'oh no! i am not dating antoine griezmann whatsoever. i have a boyfriend and it's not him.'

'girl, this picture begs to differ.' she says showing me a picture on her iphone, and it's a picture of antoine and i last night walking back to my hotel.

'it's just a misunderstanding, nothing like that happened. i nearly got hit by car and he saved me by pulling me in.'

'i was surprised that he apparently got a girlfriend. he is a huge playboy, you're a nice girl emilia. i once had a thing with him when we were at a party' she says then pulls a face, 'i regret it so fucking much. we were both drunk and i think you can imagine what happened next.' she says in disgust. then emilia notices something unfamiliar that a few people are taking pictures of her. she looks around her and notices people are looking at her and talking.

'emilia, are you okay?'

'i have to go.' she says quickly getting up and hearing more phones going off as she goes backstage.

'miss smith, the show doesn't start for another ten minutes why are you here?'

'because people think i'm your fucking girlfriend antoine.'

so i got some news, there isn't going to be a sequel to this book BUT after this is finished, i'm planning to writing another griezmann fanfiction. but if i do start that fanfiction, it'll be the last one in a while. as school starts on the 2nd of september and i want to focus on my future.

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