thirty four

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'emila, please say something instead of blanking me out.'

'antoine, i honestly don't know what to say. i'm confused, that's all. it'd be best if you give me some time to think, to process all this. i'm confused at us, what are we? are we simply just friends? or are we more?'

'friends don't have sex and kiss all the time.'

'that's what i mean, but if all we have is meaningless sex when i have a boyfriend then i don't want that. i don't want to be a cheater, antoine, i don't want to be that type of girl.'

'you're a completely different girl, i've never been in love with anyone before. that's why i am like i am, i'm confused at this feeling. this feeling of passion and love, this feeling to be forever with this person. to me, those times were more than just meaningless sex. loving you is changing me but slowly breaking me at the same time.'

'you can't let me break you, antoine, i don't deserve you.'

'that's the thing i don't deserve you. you deserve so much better, that's why you and aaron deserve each other, he's perfect for you. he's kind hearted, attractive, talented, artistic like you. you guys are the perfect match. he can give you everything that i can't give you. seeing you with him, makes me want to be that guy, the man that gives you the entire world because you deserve.'

'but antoine, you're not aaron. you're antoine griezmann and i wouldn't change you for the world. you're just not used to this feeling. i wish i could give my love to you antoine, but i'm just as confused as you.' she says then her phone vibrates.

'i have to go.' she says not looking at antoine.

'emilia can i ask you one last question?'

'which is?'

'are you in love with aaron?' he asks her, she stops and looks back at him.



'you what?' shouts emmanuella down the phone, as emilia sits in the taxi on her way home.

'i slept with antoine and spent the night as his house.' she says sighing.

'and does aaron know about this? because he called me this morning and asked me where you were.' she says, 'i told him you were at my house.'

'oh thank god emma, you're a life saver.' she says running a hand through her hair.

'you're welcome but wait does this mean you're not a virgin anymore?'

'i haven't been one for a while.'

'what? since when? and who was it with? aaron?' she asks bombarding her with questions.

'well remember when i went to new york? i left out a slight detail out.' she says biting her lower lip.

'oh emilia, you didn't.

'yes, i lost it with antoine.'

'i'm your best friend why didn't you tell me!'

'because i knew you would ask me so many questions! look i have to go, i'm at my flat right now, i'll talk to you later.' she says then hitting end.

she pays the taxi driver and walks up to the steps to her flat, unlocks the door and there's aaron sitting down at the sofa.

'oh thank god, you're back. i have something to tell you.' he says.

'i have something to tell you too.' she says, sitting opposite him.

'you go first.'

'well, i've been contacted to do this amazing course that involves painting and sculpting. i'll get to spend two months and i'll be paid to do what i love, how great is that! but the one problem is it's in new zealand.'

'new zealand?'

'yes, i have to decide by early next week if i want to do it and if i don't give an answer, they'll give it to someone else. i don't have to do it, if you don't want me to, if you want me to stay i will.'

'no aaron, do it. this is an amazing oppurtunity and you'll be doing what you love. if you turn this down, i'll never forgive you.'

'are you sure? we can always try long distance.'

'long distance relationships rarely work aaron.' she says smiling slightly but her eyes are teary.

'so are we breaking up?' he asks, his brown eyes looking at her.

'i guess so.'

'i'm going to miss you emilia, you've given me so many good memories that i'll always going to cherish with me.' he says standing up.

'you too aaron, but we can always be friends right? talk on facetime and all that.'

'i'd love that.' he says, giving her a hug.

'i guess this is goodbye.' he says looking at her, then walking over to the front door.

'i guess it is.'

'i'll come and visit you sometime.' she says smiling before giving him one last hug.

aaron walks out the door, as emilia watches him leaning against the door frame, before he comes running back and kisses her.

'i'm sorry, i had to do that one last time.'

'oh and emilia, you've got to promise me one last thing.'

'what's that?'

'look after antoine, he needs you.'

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