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after her first week of week, emilia gets up on monday morning, doing the usual routine of showering, getting dressed and going to work. she takes her ipad out of her bag as she walks down the hall to his office, this time she just walks into his office without even knocking.

'okay, you've got a busy day today.' she says looking down at her ipad. 'you've got a meeting in twenty about the paris fashion week that is in two months, then another straight afterwards about a fashion show in milan and another one about the new sunglasses collection.' she says and looks at him and sighs.

'when are you ever going to learn how to tie a fucking tie.' she says huffing putting her ipad down and going over to him to tie his tie.

'i like it when you do it for me.' he says looking down at her. during that, antoine is focused on one thing and one thing only, her lips. after she's tied it, she looks at him, his eyes were blue not the ordinary sky blue, or the colour of the paint flaking off of the old shed in the back of the field, or even the little flowers that spring up by the side of the road. his eyes were blue like the sea, crystal clear blue shimmering and crashing and churning. looking into his eyes you could hear the waves falling against the shore, see the foam flying into the air. his eyes were blue like the sky right before the sun disappears dark rich indigo, with specks of wild colours here and there.

they just look at each other for a moment. he's got beautiful eyes, she thought. as antoine starts to lean in, her eyes widen in shock.

'meeting in room four on the fifth floor, don't be late.' she says before walking away.


'so are you settling in nicely?' asks olivier as she stands in the queue waiting to order her sandwich for lunch.

'do you just leave all the work to antoine or something?' she asks him laughing.

'hey! it's my lunch break, i'm allowed to eat too you know.' after they both order and pay for their food they go and sit at an empty table.

'so are you settling in nicely? you never actually answered my question.' he asks.

'oh yes, i'm loving it.'

'really? do you love the job or a certain antoine griezmann?'

'love? far from it, i can't stand the guy.'

'oh really? these photos beg to differ.' he says taking out his phone and showing her pics of her tying his tie.

'what? i was tying his tie! nothing happened, i'm not one of those girls he randomly fucks in the morning! trust me, i walked in on him and some random girl half naked nearly every day last week.'

'if you say so.' he says putting his phone away.

'i hate him olivier trust me. he's a self centered, rude, narssistic man whore.'

'i'm proud of you emilia. for being the first girl that hasn't fallen head over heels for him.'


later that day, emilia is just typing away on her computer, replying to business emails for antoine and sorting out his schedule.

'hello miss smith.' says antoine walking towards her.

'my name's emilia.' she says annoyed at his presence already. 'don't you have a meeting right now?'

'i like calling you miss smith and the meeting's finished.' he said hands in his pockets.

'i'm having a party at my house. you know those ones where celebrities and rich people go to, i know you're nothing special and i have no idea why i'm inviting you but do you want to come? and bring a friend.' he asks, and she stops herself once again from not slapping him.

'if i'm nothing special then why am i invited?' she asks crossing her legs and arms and he groans.

'why do you have to make me explain everything?'

'because i want an explanation.'

'you want an explanation? fine i'll give you an explanation.' he says pissed off.

'because i fucking want you there emilia. there, happy?'

emila just looks at him in shock, not the fact she's invited to his house or she's going to meet rich people, the fact he called her emilia.

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