twenty two

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'who was at the door?' asks emilia as aaron walks back to the sofa.

'i don't know, i think he got the wrong apartment.' he says sitting back down, and putting his arm around her as she rested her head on his chest and they continue watching the movie.

during the film, emilia just starts touching with aaron's hair and he looks down at her and furrows his eyebrows.

'what are you doing with my hair?' he asks laughing as she starts playing with it.

'i'm seeing if it's a soft as it looks it looks.'

'oh emilia smith you are one of a kind.' he says laughing.

'did you know i dyed it blond at one point?'

'why on earth would do that?' she says in disgust.

'i don't know, i thought it would look cool. there was this phase of men dying their hair blond because of this one guy like two years ago or so. i'm trying to think of his name, it sounded something like greasy. grizi? no. gri- griezmann that was it! antoine griezmann, he dyed his hair blond and everyone did it. i did mine as a joke with a mate but i'm never doing it again.'

'you better not, your hair it too nice.'

'don't worry, i don't plan too.' he says laughing and leaning down and kissing her.

'so there's an event happening tomorrow at the saatchi gallery in central london and i was wondering if you wanted to go?'

'i love the saatchi gallery! of course i'll go.'

'it's black tie so i'm going to have do a effort with what i look like.' he says laughing, 'unlike you, i don't naturally look amazing in everything i wear.'

'ooh aaron i wish you knew how attractive you are. i'm more excited to see you in a suit then the gallery.'


'aaron, you came!' says the older man giving aaron a man hug.

'yes i did, this is emilia, she's my date.' he says smiling as the man and emilia shake hands.

'it's good to see you, it's been nearly four months! where did you go again? rio, new york, mexico city?'

'san francisco and buenos aires.' he says smiling, his arm around the young brunette's waist.

'i'm going to have a look around, you catch up with your friend.' she says.

'alright, see you in a bit.' he says kissing her cheek and she walks away into another room to look at the exhibits. as she looks at one, she can feel someone standing behind her.

'miss smith, didn't expect to see you here.' the voice says her eyes widening and she turns around to a smug looking antoine, holding a glass of champagne in his left hand and his right hand in his pocket. he's wearing a white shirt tucked into his black dress pants with the sleeves rolled up, looking very smart and handsome indeed.

'i could say the same thing about you.' she says crossing her arms.

'touché. and might i say.' he says looking at her up and down, 'the amount of cleavage you're showing is on point.' that sentence makes emilia slightly uncomfortable as she covers her chest with her arms.

'what do you want?' she says sighing.

'i don't want anything, i was paid to be here, to give the gallery some publicity. would you like a glass of champagne?' he asks, she nods and he gets one from a tray a waiter is holding.

'here you are, miss smith. might i ask why are you here? i didn't know you liked art.' he says passing her the glass.

'well monsier griezmann,' she starts, sipping from her champagne glass, 'there's a lot of things you don't know about me.'

her response made antoine think, she was right. he didn't know a lot of things about her. he spent too much time loving her and acting like a dick without even thinking of getting to know her. maybe if he tried to get to know her, things would be slightly different.

'i'm here with my friend.' she says then a few moments later, a hand wraps around her waist.

'antoine griezmann meet aaron ramsey.'

y'all don't know what's coming for you, *inserts me smirking*

okay i honestly don't get people that say griezmann is better than ronaldo and messi, i mean sure he's talented as hell but messi and ronaldo are the two best players in the world.

in real life, do you guys actually like Aaron Ramsey?

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