thirty eight

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emilia stayed at the hospital overnight, the nurses told her she could go and stay at her hotel and they would call her as soon as possible but emilia didn't want to leave.

she truly loves antoine, and she has since the day she met him. she fell for the cocky, spoilt, playboy antoine but just didn't realise it yet. she remembers exactly how they met to this day,

'don't just stand there like an idiot, sit.'

they were the first words he ever said to her, not the most romantic of words. emilia also remembers olivier telling her to not fall for his tricks.

sorry olivier, she thought. as emilia is thinking about how she met and slowly fell in love with antoine, antoine is in the other room, fighting for his life but there's only one thing on his mind, emilia smith.

antoine isn't ready to die yet, he has so much love to give to emilia, his thoughts were overpowering his mind.

'were we ever strangers? that day i first saw you there was something even then, though i didn't know what. i wonder if there's an element of time that allows us to feel a strong love, like an orange glow bursting over a dark horizon. it was light for our eyes only, something to carry us through this life. it was the dawn of the person i am today, the person i was destined to be. i would give up anything in the world for you, i would do anything to keep you safe. i could never wish to go back to even a day before we met. you are the greatest treasure of my life, the one, the only one.'

antoine knew emilia couldn't possibly hear his thoughts, but he hoped somehow she knew how much he was thinking about her, no matter how much pain he was in and how much he was struggling to stay alive.

emilia kept locking her phone with the lock button on her iphone, revealing the lockscreen which is of antoine, it was a simple picture of antoine but it made emilia smile everytime she looked at it. the picture was taking just a while ago actually, the day they arrived in bora bora. after they had slept for a few hours, they cleaned up and went for a lovely dinner at a restaurant. it's a simple picture, after they ate dinner, they went for a walk on the sand. antoine simply wearing a short sleeved shirt with some black shorts. emilia was never one of those girls that liked those tumblr couples you saw everywhere but she absolutely adored this picture. antoine was in front of her, you can see their hands entwined at the bottom left, he was looking at her with a huge smile on his face as emilia took the picture. he didn't even know she was taking it which makes it even more special.

'miss smith?' says the doctor snapping emilia out of her thoughts.

'i'm afraid, i have some bad news.' he says and her heart drops.

'antoine, he didn't make it.' he says and that makes emilia freeze, she doesn't even shed a tear she is just frozen in shock.

'miss smith? i'm so sorry for your loss.'

'can i see him?' she asks. the doctor looks at her strangely at the fact she's not showing any emotion at the fact her boyfriend has just passed away.

'um are you sure miss smith? you don't want some time?' he asks.

'yes, i want to say goodbye.' she says, he just shrugs and takes her into the room. in the bed, lied a lifeless antoine.

he was gone. she expected to cry yet she felt nothing at all, felt as if she would never feel anything ever again. what she once treasured is now a memory, a shadow lingering in the depths of her mind. it's a strange thing to lose something which she once had, like a limb torn from your body without the chance to save it.

antoine griezmann is dead.

dead is permanent. dead is forever. dead is when the spark in the eyes is extinguished, yet unlike fire is utterly without smoke.

she picked up his hand, so cold and pale, touching it to her cheek, closing her eyes for just a moment. in that eternal second she felt his presence, like the last kiss they never got to have. she carely puts his hands by his side.

she walks away from the lifeless body before looking back at him one last time,

'i love you antoine, goodbye.'

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