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so i'm daydreaming, with my chin in the palm of my hands

the young woman slowly wakes up, their legs tangled. she slowly moves to try and not wake the other person who's arm is still wrapped around her. he mumbles and brings her closer to his chest.

'you're not going anywhere, miss smith.' he mumbles.

'good morning to you too.' she says smiling as he opens his eyes.

'what a beautiful sight to wake up too.' he says smiling and kisses the top of her head. antoine sits up, his back against the headboard and emilia rests her head on his bare chest listening to his heartbeat.

'i could stay like this forever.' she says as he takes her hand and entwines their fingers.

there's just something about this that just feels right for antoine. the way her head is on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. the way she smiles when he kisses her. the way she blushes everytime he compliments her. the way her hands feel when she runs her hand through his hair. he doesn't know what it is but it feels just right.

'we can stay like this all day in you want, i don't have to work today.'

'we can't be lazy, we're in new york the city of dreams!' says the young brunette.

'i'm living the dream right now.' he says leaning in but she stops.

'smooth but your breath stinks.' she says laughing before pushing the covers off her and going towards the bathroom, he moves the covers and quickly gets up and smacks her behind.

'antoine!' she says shrieking but laughing.

'i'm sorry, your ass is just too nice.' he says winking. she just rolls her eyes at the frenchman and goes into the bathroom.


'if you're a billionaire, why are we standing outside waiting for a taxi?' she asks as they stand outside of the expensive hotel.

'we're in new york city! you have to visit and see new york like a real new yorkian!' he says and she just laughs at him, laughing at the fact he just new yorkian and he's french, not american.

'what?' he asks confused.

'good thing you're cute because you're not very bright.'

'hey!' he says as the yellow taxi pulls up and they both get in the back.

'where can i take you both today?' he asks with his strong new york.

'fifth avenue please.' says antoine and emilia just looks at him in shock.

'fifth avenue? antoine you know i can't afford any of that. '

'that's where i come in and completely spoil you, miss smith.' he says smiling. during the drive, the silence comfortable as emilia looks out the window, admiring everything about the beautiful city. at the same time, antoine is admiring something else beautiful, emilia zoe smith.

brown hair framed a heart-shaped face with expressive eyes bright with humor. her cheekbones sat high on her face and a smile that sent people running and screaming curved her lips. her hair was a lovely whisky, the color of fallen leaves browned and sleek with the first rain of autumn. how such a tint could play with the light, like peering at the sun through a jar of pine honey. her eyes shone like new growth on the boughs of the trees, free of moss, bright, youthful.

once they get out of the taxi and antoine pays him, they both walk down one of the most expensive fashion streets in the world, emilia taking it all in, the atmosphere, the different shops, the fashion and most importantly how happy antoine has made her feel these last few days.

'you should wear glasses more often, miss smith. you look so adorable yet so beautiful.' he says and she blushes. emilia normally wears contacts as they seem more professional but when she's at home or not working, she wears her glasses.

'holy shit, look at those heels!' she squeals looking in the window for christian louboutin but then her face drops when she sees the price.

'okay maybe i can save up for them.' she says starting to walk away but antoine takes her hand and takes her into the shop.

'antoine, you know i can't afford them.' she says quietly so no can hear her.

'i know, that's why i'm buying them for you.' he says going to an employee.

'bonjour, i'd like a pair of some of those black victoria heels please.' he says and the tall blonde woman looks down at emilia who's wearing some high waisted shorts and a white t-shirt tucked and antoine frowns.

'not to be rude sir but can she afford it?' she says quietly looking at emila up and down.

'i'm antoine griezmann, the world's ever youngest billionaire. i could get you out of business in a second. so instead of being judgemental, actually do what you're paid and get me some of those heels for my girl.' he says and she just looks at him in shock as she quickly gets some heels.

'antoine, you didn't need to do that.' she quickly says.

'of course i did, now you need a dress to go with those heels.' he says smiling.


making their way to central park after antoine spoilt emilia with various dresses, shoes and make up and getting his driver to drop off all their stuff at the hotel.

'this is was one of the first things i did when i went to new york for the first time.' says antoine.

'where are we going?' she asks.

'don't worry, it's one of the things that makes new york, new york.' they walk for a further ten minutes until they reach the destination antoine was talking about.

'a hot dog stand? are you serious antoine?' says emila laughing at him.

'what? you can't get any hot dogs better then a proper new york hot dog stand.' he says walking over to the stand getting his wallet out, as emilia stands watching him with her arms crossed smiling.

emilia has finally seen the real antoine griezmann, the non arrogant, the non rude, the non manwhore antoine. the sweet, the humble, the caring antoine.

he walks back with two hot dogs in his hands and passes one to emilia.

'oh antoine, you do know the best places don't you?' she says laughing and taking a bite.

'holy shit this is amazing!' she says covering her mouth as she talks with her mouth full.

'see, i told you!' he says.

'come on! i got somewhere else you'll love.' he says taking her hand. after some more walking and they finished eating, emilia stops.

'what? that's the fountain from friends!' she says letting go of antoine's hand and running towards the fountain.

antoine watches the beautiful brunette as she does all the silly poses from the opening credits from friends. he sits down on a bench and watches her, smiling like an idiot with his chin resting in his palms.

antoine griezmann was slowly falling in love, he just didn't know it yet.

three footballers you like that don't play on your favourite team?

-gareth bale
-paul pogba
-steven gerrard

i've nearly got 3k!! p.s follow me on Twitter @/grizispurpose and my Instagram @/unclearskies

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