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a month later

emilia walks back from a long day at work and it's finally the weekend. she can finally enjoy some time for herself after these long and painful weeks. antoine is mostly ignoring her so she just ignores him and also they only talk to each other if necessary. when she finally arrives at her flat she kicks off her heels and throws her handbag on the sofa and goes into the shower.

while she's getting dress, someone knocks on the door.

'coming!' she says as she pulls her t-shirt over her head, she walks to the door and opens it and no one's there. she walks out of the flat and looks left and right but then looks down and there's a bouquet of flowers. she picks them up and reads the card.

you look super cute when you smile -a x

she smiles at the card and then a pair of hands cover her eyes.

'guess who.' he whispers in her ear, she smiles at the soft familiar voice.

'i wonder.' she says jokily and he uncovers her eyes.

'aaron!' she says facing him and throws her arms around his neck but still holding the flowers.

'so what are you doing here?' she asks taking his hand and going into the apartment and putting her flowers in a vase.

'i needed some inspiration so i thought why not come to london to see one of my inspirations.' he says smiling.

'you are too sweet.' she says leaning him and kissing him and then looks at him in surprise at her actions.

'don't be worried, it felt nice.' he says kissing her softly.

'when did you arrive in london?'

'about an hour ago, i got my luggage and checked directly into my hotel and came straight away.'

'you can just stay here you want, i mean it's nothing impressive but i'm planning to move soon into some place bigger. and also i'll sleep on the sofa and then you can have my bed and the-' she says rambling on but he just stops by kissing her, cupping her face and rubbing it with his thumb.

'that was a really nice way to tell me shut up.' she says blushing and giggling.

'it's adorable when you ramble.'

'the world needs more people like you.'

as emilia and aaron enjoy their time together, eating takeaways, laughing, talking about art and sharing their love for the beatles and pink floyd. antoine is nervously sat in his black audi on his way to her apartment. he parks his car near the apartment block and starts walking. his heart beating fast and his palms begin to sweat.

nothing makes antoine griezmann nervous except for emilia smith. he walks up the stairs, reciting the words he wants to say to her in his head until he finally gets in front of her apartment. he takes a deep breath and just stares at the door until his hand hits the hard door.

putain de merde, he thought stressing out. his heart stops when the door finally opens but revealing a tall man with light brown hair.

'hello.' he says smiling.

'i um' says antoine, his voice shaking and stuttering his words.

'are you okay?' he asks concerned.

antoine takes a deep breath, 'i'm sorry wrong apartment.'

'oh okay, alright. have a nice day mate.' says the guy as antoine walks away then he hears the door shut. antoine walks back to his audi, his body shaking, antoine just managing to get in his car.

'putain!' he shouts hitting the steering wheel making the horn go off.

then for the first time in over 15 years, antoine griezmann bursts into tears.

i've kind of based off antoine not being good at handling feelings like myself, i've never been the type to see i love you to a friend or family member, i just find it to hard.

thank you for over 5k!

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