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thank you for 1k reads! btw emmanuella is played by selena gomez.

'do i have to go.' says the brunette groaning at her friend.

'yes! he invited you especially! there's going to be celebrities and rich people there!' says emmanuella.

'fine, does this look alright?' she asks her standing up after finishing her make up.

'you look like a million bucks. now come on we'll be late.'

emilia and emmanuella wait outside for their taxi to arrive, they give her antoine's address and drive to his house, once they arrive outside of his house, they pay the drive and get out of the taxi.

'his house is ridiculous.' says emilia in shock as they walk up the driveway.

'apparently david beckham is his neighbour. this is only one of his seven houses.'

'seven houses? you read too many of those shitty gossip magazines.'

'what can i say? i have a lot of spare time.' says her friend as they ring the doorbell.

'miss smith, you came!' says antoine smiling with a glass of whiskey in his hand. emilia looks at her boss, not used to not seeing him in his normal suit and tie. he's wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, tucked into his black dress pants.

'i'm sorry, i don't think we've met. i wouldn't forget a pretty face like that.' he says smirking looking at emma and putting his hand out.

'antoine griezmann.' he says as i roll my eyes.

'emanuella jones.' she says smiling and taking his hand and shaking.

'can i get you a drink of anything, miss jones?' he says putting his arm out.

'why yes you can.' she says taking his arm and emilia just looks at them in shock as her friend walks off with her boss.

'emilia!' says a voice, she looks around and there's sophia walking towards her.

'thank god you're here. i don't know anyone here and my best friend just left me to go with griezmann.'

'fuck your friend! come with me, olivier will introduce you to some people.' she says taking her hand, they walk through the crowds of people until they are in the living room where there's olivier standing with some people.

'emilia! nice to see you, this is my wife jennifer.'

'bonjour, it's lovely to finally meet you.'


it's one in the morning and emila is looking everywhere for her friend, she needs to go home to get some sleep as she has work in the morning.

'olivier, jennifer, have you seen a woman about this tall wearing a short, tight black dress?' she says gesturing to emma's height.

'i haven't, but if i do i'll let you know.' says olivier smiling. emilia looks around most rooms where they are people, asking random people if they've seen her, describing them what she looks like but they all answer the same thing, no or they haven't seen her.

'you're emilia right?' says a man's voice with an accent, she turns around and it's a tall man wearing a suit.

'yes, that's me.' she replies confusingly.

'i think i saw your friend you've been looking for. is she wearing black heels and a red dress?' he asks.

'yes that's her! where did you see her?'

'i saw her walking upstairs.'

'upstairs? thank you so much! i've been looking everywhere for her downstairs.'

'it's no problem.' he says smiling as she walks away from him and goes upstairs. she walks down the long hallway looking in some of the rooms but can't find her friend anywhere. she walks in the fifth room on the left of the hallway hoping she'll finally find her friend. she flicks on the light as the room is dark and she screams in shock.

'what the fuck!' she shouts as she covers her face.

'emilia, this is not what it looks like!'

'it's exactly what it looks like! you're fucking my boss!' she says as she looks to see if they are decent.

'miss smith, i'm so sorry! it got out of hand!'

'no shut up! you are just a fucking manwhore, i can't believe you antoine griezmann. you fucked my friend and you're not much better for fucking my boss!'

'look we're sorry!' they both say.

'fuck you both.' she says before leaving.

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