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i'm seeing rihanna today at the stade de france!!!

a few days have passed and they are in new york. antoine had to work as he it's fashion week and needs to make everything for chanel perfect. he has been working extremely hard but makes sure he spends time with emilia. tonight they had one of the first shows of the week. emilia can tell antoine's stressed about what people think about.

'antoine, you did amazing. everything was perfect, stop stressing out.' she says to him, taking his hand as they sit in the back of the car on their way back to the hotel.

'i hope so but if one little detail way wrong.' he says running his hand through his hair.

'don't worry.' she says quietly before kissing him and then that's when his worries fade away.

emilia has such an effect on him, it's unexplainable. how she can just change his mood in seconds, how she can make him stop worrying.

'i'm going to make you feel so good tonight, miss smith.' he says with a smirk as they arrive at the hotel. antoine takes her hand and they walk up to the hotel, the second they enter the suite, they are already on their way to the bedroom.

'you are just so fucking beautiful.' says antoine kissing her as he's carrying her, her legs wrapped around his waist.

'i can't wait to make love to you.' he says mumbling, his lips on her neck.

he laid her on the bed, kissing her softly and sweetly. his lips moved to her neck, sucking and biting. she knew bruises would show on her neck tomorrow. his hands tug on the hem of her dress as if he was asking for permission to take it off.

'just take it out antoine.' she breathes.

there was a sharp intake of air as he stares at her in the lacy bra. antoine's warm hands ran up and down her sides, her heart threatening to burst from all the nerves. before she knew it, her bra was off and her arms were folded across her chest.

'baby girl.' antoine grabbed her arms, looking into her eyes.

'please.' she sighs, taking a deep breath, and removes her arms.

he leaned in to kiss her passionately.

'you're so beautiful.' he says, his breath taken away by her body. she nervously roamed his body. he quickly pulled off his shirt then took off his jeans quickly.

He stared at her body, and she couldn't help but blush and look away.

'emilia zoe smith, you are absolutely stunning.' he says pulling her in to kiss him. his hands ran down her sides, and inbetween her thighs. gently rubbing her, trying to relax and prepare her. his hands found the waistband of her panties, gradually pulling them down her legs. antoine tossed them to the side.

'baby girl, you're soaking wet.' he growled.

his lips curled up into a smile and she couldn't help herself become more turned on. antoine's fingers lightly ran up her legs, finding their way to her core. his thumb tapped her clit, making her gasp.

'feel good?' he drawled, slipping a finger into her.

'antoine.' she moaned, clenching around his finger.

she threw her head back against the pillow, her chest rising and falling every time he pumped his finger into her.

a knot formed in her stomach, closer to her release, and just as she was about to cum, antoine removed his hand.

'it's going to hurt, so if it becomes too much, let me know and I'll stop immediately.' he says, taking off his white calvin klein boxers and putting on a condom.

he hovers over her, connecting his lips with hers again. his member pressed against he rentrance, the pressure building in her stomach.

'wait baby, am i your first?' he asks quietly, she nods slightly embarassed.

'are you sure you want to do your first time with me?' he asks.

'yes, i do.' she breathes.

he gently entered her and she couldn't help but gasp from the pain. the stretching caused a burning sensation and even though his thrusts were slow, it was near unbearable.

'breathe, baby girl, breathe.' hesays kissing her, trying to ride her through the pain. he groans and suddenly, despite the pain, shewanted to continue.

'do you want to stop?' he asks quietly.

'no, antoine, keep going.' she says taking a deep breath and her nails dub into his back, obviously leaving marks.

his thrusts were careful and passionate and he keep his eyes on her, making sure she can handle the pain. he covered her with kisses and nibbled on her lower lip and smiled at her, trying to distract her from the pain.

'faster.' she mumbled and he thrusts even quicker and at this point she ouldn't hold back her moans.

but soon, his moans tumbled from his lips and she knew he was close.

she leaned up, kissing and biting his neck, leaving little hickeys.

'cum for me, babe.' she whispered in his ear.

antoine let out a jagged moan, as he hit his high. he rode through his orgasm, groaning emilia's name and a string of expletives followed. her legs began shaking and he knew she was close to the brink of her orgasm.

'antoine!' she cries.

'cum for me, miss smith. be a good girl and cum.' he groans into her ear.

she cried out antoine's name as she came undone under him. he groaned a few time before finally letting out one final, loud moan. antoine moves to the side next to her, as they both pant.

'i love you.' he mumbles before falling asleep.

in the next part, they'll be one of my favourite human beings introduced into the fanfiction, and he'll have a very important role.

how old are you and what's your nationality?

i'm 17 and i got dual british-french.

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