Chapter 1

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Gerard's life was spiraling out of control and it was falling apart quickly till there would be nothing left. Most days he'd just sit in his office staring blankly at the white wall in front of him, tapping a pencil on the desk. He had absolutely zero motivation to do anything for the past two weeks ever since the day he got the phone call. His will to live died that day and he was dying inside even more every day and he didn't know how much longer till it would all end.

Gerard pushed the chair away from the table and stood up, he opened the office door and slowly walked over to the kitchen. Lindsey and bandit weren't home, Gerard pulled out some bread and began making a sandwhich. He sat at the table and stared at the wall, once he finished his sandwhich he stood up, placed the plate in the sink and walked back to the office in complete silence.
Gerard sat staring at the wall the phone conversation playing over and over again in his head, it was tormenting gerard and he couldn't get it out of his head. He leaned over and banged his head lightly into the table desperately trying to forget it.

A few moments later Lindsey had walked in with bandit at her side, holding her hand. After awhile Lindsey had walked into the office where gerard sat.

"Hey gee how are you today?" She asked softly.

"Not much different from yesterday" gerard said. "Probably worse " he mumbled under his breath.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Lindsey asked, sighing slightly, clearly worried about her husband.

"I had a sandwhich" gerard commented.

"Pshh that's not lunch, come, have a proper lunch" Lindsey said.

"I'm fine the sandwhich was good enough" gerard said.

"Gee a sandwhich sounds boring and unappealing and definitely not filling, c'mon I got your favourite" Lindsey stated.

"Okay" gerard reluctantly agreed and followed Lindsey to the kitchen because he hated to admit, but he was still hungry.

After lunch gerard proceeded to sit at the desk in the office with Lindsey coming in occasionally to check on him and bandit coming in to say goodnight a while after dinner. Gerard was falling under and the only person who could pull him up was 6 feet in the ground.

*two weeks ago*

Gerard was walking down the sidewalk, he was nearing his house with bandit's little hand holding his. He could see the house from here, they continued walking and soon they were walking up their driveway. When they got inside bandit took off to her room and gerard went to the kitchen. Lindsey wasn't home yet so he started preparing things for dinner when the phone rang.

"Hello?" Gerard spoke.

"Is this gerard way I'm speaking to?" A voice said.

"Yes" gerard responded.

"This is the LA police department, We have some bad news regarding your brother michael way"

"Where is he? Where's mikey?" Gerard asked frantically.

"Calm down honey, it will be okay" the officer said.

"Where is he? Where is my baby brother?" Gerard asked paranoia engulfing him entirely.

"It will be okay, I promise it will be okay, I need to tell you something... Mikey ..." The officer started.

"Will he be okay? Mikey?" Gerard asked.

"Where is mikey?" Gerard asked again.
"He killed himself" the officer spoke out.

Gerard gasped "what" he breathed out in shock.

"I'm sorry " they said before hanging up.

Gerard was shaking he nearly dropped the phone as he fell to his knees, placing the phone on the ground and covering his face with his hands as tears fell fast from his intense hazel eyes. Lindsey walked in to see Gerard crying, she dropped the groceries onto the counter and dropped down beside gerard.

"Gee oh my god what's wrong?" She asked extremely concerned.

"M-mikey" was all gerard could get out in his state.

"What about mikey?" Lindsey asked gently.

"He k-killed h-himself" gerard said. Lindsey's mouth dropped

"Oh my god"

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