Chapter 7

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Gerard got up early that morning making sure to not wake up lindsey and walked into the kitchen, pulling the piece of paper out of his sweater pocket that read the date, time, and location of his appointment. He put it back in his pocket and poured his cereal, grabbing a spoon from the drawer and ate in silence. He put his dish in the sink when he was done. Gerard pulled his shoes on and took his keys off the hook and silently walked out the front door, locking it behind him. He got in his car and drove to the place where he would finally know what the dream he has had every night for 3 weeks means.
He parked his car and walked inside, a bell ringing as he opened the door. Gerard checked in and sat down in the waiting room feeling extremely awkward as everyone in the room stared at him, he switched his sitting position multiple times and tried to ignore them with his phone but they didn't stop. One of them had bright purple hair, completely tattooed arms, and ears stretched so far it looked like they could fall off at any second. Another guy had a bald head, tattoos, a moustache, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Another guy had a tall mohawk, a shirt that was torn in several places and he seemed to have piercings everywhere. One had half of her hair shaved off, a flower tattooed on her forehead, and she looked as if she just did a shit ton of crack. And the final person gerard couldn't tell if they were a guy or girl, they had half their hair long and half was very short, black jeans with a skirt over top  and a tank top. Gerard was freaking out he didn't remember the people here being this creepy, he let out a huge sigh of relief when he finally heard his name being called, He jumped up and quickly followed them.

Gerard sat in a room dimly lit by purple and pink lights.

"Hello gerard" the pyscic spoke.

"H-h-hi"  he responded.

"So your case here is a re-occuring dream, care to explain?" She asked.

"Yeah, so it starts with me running down the street on a bright sunny day but i'm in a panic and the sound of sirens is in the distance. I run up to my brother's house and slam open the door and run around searching every room for him and when I reach the final room I go to open the door  but then I wake up, sometimes I open the door and see my reaction but wake up before I see what's in the room"

"I see, any details, such as ones about your brother, that would help me elaborate what's happening in the dream?"

"Well m-my brother d-died a few months ago"

"Aha and how did he die?" She asked

"H-he killed himself" gerard said.

"Now one last question, how did you find out your brother passed?"

"Well I got a call saying he ... he killed himself"

"Okay thats all I needed to know, Now gerard based on the information it the re-occuring dream means youre missing an important event from your brothers death from loss of memory or drunkness but the latter is unlikely for you so lets focus on the memory loss so take this book it has pages of different ways to revive the memory, it might take time and energy depending on the effectiveness which is based on your brain structure so I reccomend trying everything and dont give up" she stated.


"I wish you luck gerard, you'll need it"

With that gerard left, walking quickly past the people in the waiting room. He got in his car and set the book down on the passenger seat.

He was determined to find out what was going on.

Gerard pulled into his driveway and went inside to see lindsey frantically pacing around on the phone, she didn't notice gerard walk in so he stood where she wouldn't be able to see him.

"Yes i'm sure he's not in the house, I know I shouldn't be that worried frank but after his brother died it's concerning, what? Yeah bandit's still asleep but frank what if one day he left the house in the morning and never came back and I never see him again until I get a call saying they found his body at the bottom of a lake"

"Linds calm down gerard wouldn't do that, he wouldn't do that to you and bandit. he probably just went out, maybe to the cemetery, when I first came there after you called me that's where I found him early in the morning he will be okay"

"Thank you frank you're a great friend"

Lindsey hung up the phone and walked down the hall, gerard quickly started to take his shoes off as lindsey walked by.

"Oh hey gee!" Lindsey said excitedly with relief in her voice.

"Hey linds" gerard responded

"Where did you go gee?" She asked.

"Oh I went to the store" gerard said holding up the carton of milk he had took from the kitchen this morning.

"Oh okay" lindsey said slightly confused because gerard never goes to the store that early but she brushed it off as nothing because she was relieved that gerard was back.

Gerard went into the kitchen to make breakfast while lindsey woke up bandit and he smiled as his excuse sounded believable, he didnt want to lie but he couldnt tell her, not yet.

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