Chapter 4

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Gerard woke up with his head on the desk and the pen just about to slip out of his hand, he put the pen on the table and rubbed his eyes. He checked the time and walked out of the room, it was 6:36 am. Gerard placed two slices of bread in the toaster and took out the butter, when the toaster popped he took them out and buttered them. Once he had finished it was 6:57 am, bandit had to be up for school in 3 minutes so he made his way to her room, he opened the door and gently rubbed her back. Bandit stirred and enventually opened her eyes.

"Good morning B" gerard said softly.

"Morning daddy" she replied.

"Time to get up" he announced.

"Okay" bandit said.

Gerard stepped out of the room so she could get dressed, while he waited he put in some toast for her. The toaster popped as bandits door opened, she ran down the hall and slid into the kitchen. She climbed up onto her chair and patiently waited for her toast, gerard spread jam onto the slices and placed the plate at bandits spot. He poured a cup of orange juice and set it down in front of her as well.

Once she finished she got her shoes and backpack on and waited by the door as her dad got his shoes on.
They got in the car, gerard watched her buckle up and he pulled out of the driveway soon they got to the school and he dropped her off before driving home. He pulled into the driveway and went inside.

   *2 months later*

Gerard pulled up at the airport and found a parking spot, he helped bandit out of the car and carried her in as it was 7 am and she was tired, the parking lot was also really busy. They went up the escalator to the second floor and gerard found a place to sit by the doors, he placed bandit down on one of the chairs and sat beside her. After awhile people started coming out of the exit, soon frank appeared and started walking towards them, bandit had fallen asleep leaning up against gerard so they whispered.

"Hey gee" frank said.

"Hey" gerard responded.

"Maybe we should get B home" frank said and chuckled silently.

"Good idea"

Gerard took franks bag and frank picked up bandit, her head resting on his shoulder. They left the airport and walked towards gerards car, gerard opened the trunk and placed franks suitcase in it while frank put bandit in her car seat. Once everyone was in the car gerard drove home, 10 minutes later he pulled into his driveway, he got out and grabbed franks suitcase and Lindsey had come outside when she noticed they were back.

"Hey guys" she said.

"Hey linds" frank said.

Gerard leaned over and kissed lindsey making frank laugh.

"Where's B?" Lindsey asked.

"In the car, she fell asleep at the airport" gerard responded.

"Ohh okay"

Lindsey opened the car door and picked up bandit, bandit yawned and opened her eyes, once they had everything they closed the doors and went inside. Lindsey took bandit into the kitchen to make breakfast while frank and gerard went to the office.

"So did you finish it?" Frank asked as he sat down.

"Yeah" gerard responded.

"Let me see" frank asked, doing grabby hands like a little kid.

Gerard handed over the page to frank and he read it, once frank finished reading it he handed it back to gerard.

"That was amazing" frank stated.

"Thanks, so you'll help me put the audio together?" Gerard asked.

"Of course"


After 2 weeks the song was completely finished and frank and gerard were getting ready for gerards first show.

"Well, you ready frank?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah, how 'bout you gee?" Frank asked.

"I think so" gerard responded.

"Then let's go"

They grabbed everything they'd need and put their shoes on before getting into gerards car and driving to the venue. When they arrived the line was growing, gerard looked a little shocked and frank smiled at him, they went inside and started to set up. Once everything was ready they stood in the back waiting for the show to start.

"Gee, you okay" frank asked as he noticed gerard biting his lip anxiously

"I don't know if I can do this frank" gerard admitted.

Frank looked into gerard's bright hazel eyes as he took his hands

"You can gee I know it, it might not be the way it was before but don't back down now, do it for mikey" frank said.

"Okay" gerard said smiling at frank

Frank kissed gerard's cheek before gerard walked out on stage, gerard blushed and grabbed the microphone as hundreds of people cheered.

"Hey everyone" gerard said. "How is everyone?" He added. Once they responded gerard said "well I see you're all ready so lets start, this first song is called no shows"

As gerard the song started he looked over to see frank watching from backstage, he smiled and gerard smiled back then he started to sing.

Once the song ended and everyone's applause calmed down gerard said "we're off to good start so lets keep it going this next song is called drugstore perfume"

After the song gerard placed the microphone back in the stand "okay guys for the next two songs I have a friend who's gonna play guitar for them" gerard stated. Everyone started glancing around trying to figure out who it was, people were talking to their friends guessing who it could be when gerard smiled and said "you can come on out now frank" Everyone started to go insane. "Frank iero everybody" everyone clapped and frank bowed ironically before putting the guitar strap over his head and standing in front of his microphone. "Now I hate to ruin the happy vibe, but this next song was mikey's favourite, Disenchanted" gerard stated while everyone cheered. "Well I was there on the day they sold the cause for the queen and when the lights all went out we watched our lives on the screen, I hate the ending myself but it started with an alright scene" he sang.

They finished the song and gerard's smile dropped "This, this next song I wrote for mikey, love you mikes" gerard said as he started to sing.

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