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Frank flew down to LA a few days later, gerard's funeral was tomorrow. Lindsey and frank both agreed now was a good time to open the envelope. Inside was a letter, they read it together before lindsey put it down and walked towards the door. She turned around and faced frank.

"We should probably get ready for the funeral now" she said quietly.


Lindsey left the room and sat against the wall in the hallway.

Frank picked up the letter and hugged it when he noticed something else in the envelope he pulled it out he noticed the heart that said 'love you frankie' he remembered the one line from the letter that he read with lindsey, it said 'I feel terrible for letting down the two loves of my life and most of all my daughter but either way i'm letting mikey down' a tear threatened to fall from his eye. He looked at the rest of the page, it was completely covered. He immediately recognized it. His song about mikey.

'Does anyone have the time to bring me down?
And can I sleep all night long to the drums of the city rain?
Just make it up
'Cause I'm awake all night long to the drums of the city rain

And brother if you have the chance to pick me up?
And can I sleep on your couch to the pound of the ache and pain?
Oh, in my head 'cause I'm awake all night long to the drums of the city rain

The lights we chase
The nights we steal
The things that we take
To make us feel this
I can't go back
Don't think I will
I won't sleep tonight as long as I still
Hear the drums of the city rain

Does anyone have the guts to shut me up?
'Cause I believe that every night
There's a chance we can walk away
So hold on tight
Because I won't wait too long in the drums of the beating rain

'Cause the nights don't last
And we leave alone
Will you drive me back?
Can you take me home?

The lights we chase
The nights we steal
The things that we take
To make us feel this
I can't go back
I don't think I will
I won't sleep tonight as long as I still
Hear the drums of the city rain

Faces I don't know
I am tired in the glow
Of the freezing club
Keep me breathing don't make the lights come back
Can you take me home?
We all need this when we leave alone

Remember when you and I would make things up?
So many nights, just take me down to the place we could hear them play
I miss that sound
'Cause now we don't sing so loud
To the drums of the city rain

The lights we chase
The nights we steal
The things that we take
To make us feel this
I can't go back
I don't think I will
I won't sleep tonight as long as I still
Hear the drums of the city rain

Like strangers laugh and like subways feel
Things I'm trying to break
Oh, just wait until this is all we have to keep us ill
I won't breathe tonight as long as I still hear the drums of the city rain'


Bandit got out of bed, it was her first day of high school. She put on some eyeliner, bandit didn't put eyeliner on often but today seemed like a good day for it. It was the anneversary of the day her uncle died. She looked of at the picture of her dad and uncle mikey, mikey had his arm around gerard and they were both smiling. She got dressed, black jeans, a blue flannel and purple sweater, and blue converse. Bandit heard a knock on her door.

"Hey B, you ready to go?" Lindsey asked, walking in.


Lindsey hugged bandit.

"We'll visit them later if you'd like and then I think kristin's coming over"

"Okay" bandit responded.

"Let's go" lindsey said before leaving the room.

Bandit followed her out and grabbed her backpack. They got in the car, as they drove bandit decided to turn on the radio just to see what was on although she had no interest in listening to it. When she turned it on it was just people talking, bandit was about to turn it off when the beginning of a familiar tune began to play. Lindsey noticed too. They sat in silence as the song played, when it ended the people started talking again.

"That was brother by gerard way, today marks 8 years since his brother mikey way's death which prompted him to write this song just months before his own death our hearts go out to his wife and daughter who was just five years old at the time"

Bandit turned off the radio again, they had arrived at her school. She gave lindsey a hug and got out of the car.

"Bye mom see you after school" bandit said before closing the door.

Lindsey drove away and bandit began to walk to the door, she stopped and stared at the school thinking about her dad and uncle mikey. She walked inside and immediately noticed and occasional look from people in the halls, it wasn't everyone, just people from her elementary school and people who looked like they listened to twenty one pilots religiously. She just assumed they knew about her dad and uncle and kept walking, it wouldn't bother her, bandit had grown to accept it. She hung out with frank whenever he was in town, he even told her about him loving gerard and she may or may not have found the videos of them kissing on stage and saved them to her phone. She walked past someone standing at their open locker with a friend, she noticed a picture of her dad's band in it along with a few other bands, so she stopped and smiled.

"Hey that's my dad... oh and my uncle" she said laughing.

The person turned around, bandit smiled smugly.

"Ugh i've heard about fans who call them their dads it's so-" the girl stopped when she made the realization.

Bandit began laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god I thought you were joking, bandit right?" The girl said laughing.

"Yup" bandit said.

"I'm eliza, this is frankie" she said gesturing to the girl beside her.

"Nice, what's your first class?" Bandit asked.

"Math, you?" She answered

"Same, wanna walk with me?"

"Sure" eliza responded.

The three began to walk to class, as they went bandit thought about her dad again.
He may be gone but there's one thing she learned:

Everything will be okay.

Drums Of The City RainWhere stories live. Discover now