Chapeter 3;Mrs.suicidal

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I work up the next morning with dad sleeping on the couch, I was glad he stayed I felt safe with him and Jenna, she wasn't here though "hey Dani your awake,how are you feeling?" I nodded which signaled that I was ok I went to change as he left to greet josh who had started to bang on the door. I had walked out of my room in jean shorts and a black shirt with a coat thing I didn't want josh to know yet, Tyler wanted me to tell him soon and same with Jenna when she got back. "DANI MAH BESTIE" I laughed and ran into his bears arms, "how's my my favorite girl been?" I laughed and glance over to Tyler not knowing what to say he just shrugged.i didn't want to tell him yet,"I'm good better than ever." I smiled Tyler sat down and nodded, he knew it probably wasn't the best time to brig this up. I sat down next to ty and fell asleep I was still work out from yesterday.i woke up to arguing "how is she really Tyler I saw her staring at you." I closed my eyes like they were before I woke up as Tyler looked down at me "josh,shes just stressed out,she's fine" josh looked down at me and nodded I felt bad that we had to lie to him about this. I woke up again and they were gone. I looked and saw a note it read.
I went to the store I'll be back later I'm not sure where Tyler is just thought I'd let ya know.
Josh aka your bestie
I laughed a little but I heard something a woman's laugh, and Tylers I walk back to my room and I see Tylers door open.i walked in,he was sitting in his room with some woman,she and Tyler were highley intoxicated. "Tyler?" I started to cry,he turned "yes Mrs.suicidal?" He yelled and threw a book from the side over at me.I felt horrible I knew he was REALLY drunk but it was still hurtful and the book hit my face "i can't believe you what about Jenna, josh and ME! think about it you mess I'm supposed I call my father."
I ran to my room and cut my arms, but I stopped to think it wasn't right. Nothing was Jenna was away so I called josh he could talk to Tyler.
*calls josh*
I got a call from Dani did she get my note?
J:hey Dani did you get my note?
D:yea that's not it,Tylers highly Intoxicated and he's cheating on Jenna.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing Tyler wouldn't do that.
J:ok I guess I'll be over in a minute!
I was waiting for josh I left out what Tyler said and how he threw the book at my face. I heard the front door unlock and josh runs into my room "where is he?" I walked him over scared to go near "TYLER JOSEPH STOP RIGHT NOW!" He yelled like a mother would at her child. Tyler looked behind "ah I see Mrs.suicidal brought back up,well that can't stop me!" He said swaying josh looked at me confused "oh josh you didn't know? She cuts her arms well sliced if I say there not a cutting board Dani!" He says still swaying and giggling, josh walked over and pulled up my sleeves I pulled them away and walked over to Tyler with the book he threw at me "LISTEN YOU MESS OF A FATHER, I don't care you don't know what it's like! And throwing books at me doesn't help!"
Josh looked confused and shouted "YOU THREW A BOOK AT YOUR DAUGHTER?!" I looked at josh and shrugged he was right "at my head" I said while arms crossed at Tyler "ok Dani you go hang out I'll take care of him." I left the room,after another 20 minutes Tyler was sober and realized what he had done and said meanwhile I locked myself in my room and cried my own father said I was a suicidal mess,I read in a fan fiction once that drunk words are sober thoughts. It made it harder knowing that. I heard a soft knock at my door I know that knock it was Tyler I didn't open it but of course he found a way in. He ran over and hugged me "I'm so sorry I don't know what to say I hit you with a book and called you Mrs.suicidal! I failed you as a father and I failed your mother" he put his head in my shoulder and cried I patted him on the back "look,I know you were drunk but drunk words are sober thoughts and I don't know how to take this, I accept your apology but you still need to talk to mom and get me an ice pack for my head please."
Cliff hanger?

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