Chapter 14; its kw

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After keagan left I went back to Denny's and fell on the couch "how was the walk?" She scared the shit outta me "Jesus Debby! You scared the shit out of me!" She laughed and asked the same question "AMAZING!" SHE looked surprised "how so?" I told her all about the god keagan and how Brandon cheated on me with his girlfriend and how he was extremely dreamy and I kinda was falling in love... "HE sounds like a dream guy other than josh, and I want to meet him!" Her and josh are very adorable I mean look...

 "HE sounds like a dream guy other than josh, and I want to meet him!" Her and josh are very adorable I mean look

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Parent goals other than of course my parents...

 Parent goals other than of course my parents

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Well both of them are goals but... "well he had to go but I have him my number so..." she whistled as my phone buzzed
Random #: Hey is this Dani?
Dani:yea who's this?
Random #: Its kW keagan wynters from the well curb today...
Dani:YAY I thought you wouldn't text me :)
KW : Oh Yea of course you're amazing do you wanna hang out maybe If you're not busy?..
Me:OF COURSE yea here come to *debbys house* THATS where I'm staying we can hang here if that's ok Debby wants to meet you XD
KW : ugh I love how you do your emojis it's adorable and I'll be there soon <3
Me: _ ༽つ
KW : omf XD Ok BYE
"DEBBY GET READY KEAGANS COMING OVER!" She practically jumped into new clothes and makeup "READY!" I laughed and responded with DAMN ok it's not a race! We both laughed until I heard a knock at the door, he was standing there electric blue eyes hey black hair and all, "KEAGAN! YAY you're here!" I jumped and hugged him as he patted my back and said hello "why wouldn't I be here you're my best friend!" Did I just get friend zoned oh shit!
When I said best friend her mocha Eyes shattered and she slumped back in her couch red hair swaying off the sides "so what do ya wanna do?" She jerked up from her Mini Trance.
When Keagan asked what I wanted to do I brought him to see Debby "Debby! Come say hi!" She came bolting out and shook his hand "so this is the Keagan your kept telling me about before he came!" Keagan blushed and put shoved his hands in his pockets while my eyes bulged "well thanks Debby!" I with a strained face as I turned and saw Keagan whisper something and I saw Debby jump up and down. We walked outside just like earlier "well here we are again walking..." he muttered and smiled as i grabbed his hand and our fingers intertwined "i like walking with you I can talk and not worry about the rest of the world thank you." He smiled and stopped to hug me as I hugged back "I should pack for Josh's I'll call you later bye Keagan!" I walked off Slowly pulling my hand back with me "bye Dani..." I smiled and walked off. As I packed my stuff I wanted to just hug Keaton hugging him was like fixing all my problems, he's my solution. THE only one who knows about him is Debby though, "in heading to Josh's Debby I'll walk!" I hugged her and thanked her while saying our good byes for now. I left the house and when I got to Josh's I was tempted to go back home to Tyler my father who probably still hated me. I knocked on the door and josh opened it up and suffocated me in a huge bear hug "I missed you big bear." I said while hugging into his chest. "I missed you to little bear." I walked in and he showed me to my room and told me the plan "sooo...the plan is that when Tyler feels ready to talk he'll come here I didn't tell him you're here but just when he's ready that could be sooner or later." I paused in what I was about to say and just nodded. "So HOW was Debby's?" HE questioned breaking the silence "really really fun..." he smirked in confusion "so you two are friends now?" I nodded "Is it bad if I found someone new relight after breaking up with Brandon?" He looked up wide eyes I never explained what happened "Brandon cheated on me and we broke up,and I went on a walk and I met this guy Keagan and we just talked and hung out. I also found out he was upset because his girlfriend cheated on him with Brandon and yea we just talked about our feeling and it's amazing, I didn't have that with Brandon." He looked confused but he nodded and smile while reaching for my hand "that's fine!" I nodded and smiled back "I WANT FOOOOOOOOD!" I sang while running to his kitchen.we ended up making pancakes at 6 for dinner I fell asleep until my phone buzzed twice.

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