Chapter 5: Yuma Mukami

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-Two days Later-

Riley POV
I have been here for almost three days and it's been great though my headaches are still there but I don't fall asleep suddenly anymore. I walked downstairs to the smell of eggs,bacon and pancakes. Pancake...pfft. Sigh. Kinda miss her. I hurry into the kitchen and see Yuma which isn't surprising.

"Where is everyone?" I ask leaning on the counter. "Well we made a schedule to watch over you and I'm up first. Everyone left to go their own thing." He explains while turning around. When he did his eyes went wide.

"H-hey! Get your hair outta the cut peppers!" He yelled all flustered. I gave him a questioning look then looked down at the counter. "Oops!" I say giving a nervous smile while moving it off the counter . Hey it's been so long since I had so much interest. I feel like a ghost of my former self. In a good way of course.

"Really." He sighed as he came over to me and turn me around. "W-what are you doing?" I stutter. I could feel my face heat up and the warmth of his body against my back. "What does it look like? I'm putting your hair in a messy bun." He says in a duh tone. "O-oh." Was all I could say.

About a minute or two later he was done. "Finished. You should keep it up more often. You would look way more prettier." He states. "Oh? So Im already am pretty?" I tease him. "W-well umm...yeah...I mean no!....ahhh...I don't know." He blushes.

"Well I know something." I say. "What is it?" Yuma asks. I bring his face closer to mine then whisper, "I know that the eggs are burning." "WHHAATT?!? Hey you shoulda said somethin' earlier!" He shouts even more flustered than before. I laughed at his reaction. "Not fun....ny.." He says slowly. "Hmm?" I say still laughing a little bit.

Yuma POV
"Not fun.....ny." I say slowly as I turned around to see her laughing. Her eyes are yellow? I quickly rubbed my eyes and when I looked at her again they where her usual green. Strange. Maybe it's my imagination. "Hmm?" I hear her say while still giggling which snapped me out of my thoughts.

Crap. I was staring. "What is wrong? Your face is so red." She asks worried while walking towards me. Before I knew it her forehead was on mine. "Hmm? You don't seem to have a fever. In a matter a fact your cold as heck. But I guess that's normal but then why are you so red." She thinks out loud.

She is so freaking dense! Wait what am I saying. I laugh nervously as I push her away from me slowly. "I'm fine! I'm fine." I say waving her off and going to cut peppers.......again. I sighed. "I'll help you." She says as she gets a knife and starts to cut. "Your pretty good at cutting." I say to her. "Yeah well my mom taught me a lot of th---son of a!" She yells as she drops the knife on the cut board and holds her finger.

This smell is so alluring. I want it. I need it. Give it to me. Before I knew it her finger was in my mouth and I drank her blood. "A-ah! H-hey! Y-Yuma?" She questions. "Hn?" "I-it.....tickles!" She starts laughing. Need more. Just a little more.

Riley POV
I was still laughing when Yuma put me on the counter. "H-hey, you okay?" I ask. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my finger that was cut. Ah! Ow! Oh no the headache again! The sharp pains. That's when I remember what my mom said.
I need to in the hell do I do that? I'm already woke! When I came to, I realized that Yuma was drinking my blood.

"So that was the sharp pain....Hey idiot! Stop drinking my blood! I'm not a blood fountain!" I yell slapping him in his head. "Ow! What the hell was that for Ri....ley?" He speaks slowly. He then realizes and keeps apologizing.

"It's fine! Jeez. Now can you please mix the eggs before the burn again and also you made me sit on the cut peppers." I explain to him in a straight face. "Damn it! What's wrong with me? I feel like I lost control for a moment there..." He mumbles to himself then sighs.

I hop off the counter and help him cook the rest of breakfast. We are in silence. Hmm. He said it feels like he lost control, but doesn't that happen to all vampires when the taste human blood? Hmm. "Hey! Sorry about earlier!" He shouts. "Hey why are you shouting at me you idiot!?!" I shout back. "Who ya calling an idiot princess!?" Yuma shouts back.

I started to laugh and wiped a tear from the corner of my eye. "W-what's so funny?" "Nothing. Nothing at all. Pfft." "What!?" He shouts. I motion him to come to me and he hesitantly did. I grab a napkin and wipe his mouth. "There." I state as I put the napkin down. His face was a crimson red which made me laugh even more.

He's not so bad after all.
Hey!!! I'm not dead lol. But finally got a chapter done which makes me happy! I haven't updated this for a VEEERYYY LONG TIME which makes me sad cause I really like this story.

But! I appreciate your patients with me and didn't give up on the story! So with thank I thank you all. And like always:



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