Chapter 8: Awakening Pt. 1

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Riley POV
I wake up in a cold sweat and immense pain. I hold my head as a slowly get out of bed. Feeling the cold floor beneath me, I slowly make my way to the door. "What do you think you're doing?" asks a voice from behind me. I turn around to see Yuma coming out from my bathroom.

"I'm hungry."
"Well then, I'll get it for you. What do you want?"
"Okay. I'll go get it, but first lay back down."

He says pushing me back to the bed. I don't argue with him and lay back down. "There! Okay I'll be right back." Yuma said leaving the room. As soon as he left, Kou and Ruki comes in. "How're ya feeling?" asks Kou.
"Terrible." "Well that answer is to be expected. You know how rough an awakening can be, so why ask?" asks Ruki. "Hey! You never know." Kou pouts.

"Awakening? What is that?" I ask a little confused even though I heard the word so many times. "It's when a person finally becomes a vampire. It's can happen in many ways. Like a pure blood vampire feeding a human their blood or if you are half-human and half-vampire. The vampire side should be dominant, but on rare occasion the human part can." Ruki explains.

"It's a very painful process, so let's hope you are okay.....and don't go attacking us!" Kou says sternly. "I won't. I think." Just then pain spreads throughout my body. Crack! "AAAAAHHH FUCK! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I scream. "Oh this isn't good. Isn't it a little to early for her to start her Awakening?" Kou asks. "Yeah....hey have you been feeling sleepy and having headaches before hand?" Ruki asks me. "Ya! I ha—" Crack! Crack! I hold in the scream and look at them in pain.

"Hey Riley, I brought you your steak! I made it medium rare since......oh um what's going on here?" Yuma asks setting the plate down next to me. "She's Awakening." Kou and Ruki say in unison. ".....get....out...." I pant. "What did you say?" asks Yuma. "GET OUT NOW!" I hiss at them. They all immediately left the room.

"Ugh this is terrible." I sigh sitting up very slowly. Crack! Ugh. I flinch at the pain coursing through my spine. I look at the plate of food and smell it. "Smells delicious....more than usual." I speak out loud. I cut a piece of steak and see that it's medium rare. "Ew.....but it looks so delicious." I stare at the little bit of blood dripping down the fork, licking my lips in the process.

I eat it and it's delicious. As I continue to eat my headache goes away and I start feeling so much better. "And they said this was going to be pai—!!"


Third Person POV
"She's really going through it." Yuma states as he hears the glass shattering. "Yeah should we get some blood bags ready or an actual human?" Kou asks. "Blood.....bags.....human blood....from the source.....might...make her.......unstable." Azusa says walking into the living room.

"I agree with him. Anyway we should bring her some now. Not it." Ruki says as he turns a page in his book. "" Azusa says siting down.
"Not it!" Kou says raising his hand.
"Damn it! If anything happens to me, I'm coming back and hunting all of you." Yuma says clicking his tongue.

Yuma gets up and goes to the cooler in the kitchen. Hmm. How many should I bring? I had four my first time. So four? Four. He thinks to himself as he grabs four. He slowly makes his way to Riley's room and knocks on the door. "Umm. Riley I'm coming in." He slowly opens the door and takes a look inside. "Wow. This is tragic! Seriously!" Yuma says walking about glass and torn up things. "Riley? Riley?" He calls out.

"" Riley responds. The bathroom? He thinks as he makes his way there. He peeks inside and sees Riley in the bathtub fully clothed. Yuma sighs in relief. "Why are you in the bathtub?" "I'm....burning up. It's so hot." Riley replies as she fans herself. "Well I have something to help with that." Yuma says as he hands her the bags of blood.

"I am disgusted but if it helps..."
"Oh yeah. This may have some side effects since it's your first time. So I'd appreciate it if you don't attack me."
"Okay...haha..well here it goes."

Riley POV
I poke a small hole in the bag and watch as the little bit of blood slowly leaks out. "The smell is so....enticing." I take a sip which turns into a gulp.


I stand up quickly as I feel the pulse through my body. I slowly step out the tub turn towards Yuma. "I don't feel good." I say. Just then I cough up blood. "Is that...suppose.... to hap...pen?" The last thing I see is Yuma running towards me.
Hello! Finally updated after 4 months...hahaha sorry(?).  Any way I hoped you enjoyed and like always:



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