Chapter 13: Ayato Sakamaki

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Riley POV
I walk downstairs into the dining area, where I find Yui setting up breakfast. "You know we can take turns cooking for each other." I state as I take a piece of bacon. "It's fine. Doing this makes me calm and somewhat useful." She replies back. Eating another bacon, I take a seat. "Hmm that's weird. I don't see your guard dog." I say while casually looking around.

"Oh that's because he is on Riley Duty. Plus, it's not like he's with me everyday." Yui says as she sits down next to me. "I was dreading this day. Why him? He's such a pompous as—" "Do not finish that sentence." I hear a voice say. I look up to see Ayato and smile. "What? I was going to say a pompous astounding guy."

He glares at me then smirks. "Okay, since I'm an 'astounding guy', let's go." He says walking over to me and pulling me out of my chair. "You know, I can easily drain you of blood." I state. Ayato just laughs and looks at me. "Please. Try." He says with a smug look. I really dislike holding myself back. Ugh I just want to punch him in his stupid smug face.

He takes my silence as a yes then drags me out the front doors. "Where are we going?" I ask. "Somewhere nice." He says as he continues to pull me then pushing me into the car. "Nice? Please your definition of  'nice' is probably torturing poor souls or hanging out in cemeteries." I laugh. "Your jokes aren't funny. Now move." Ayato says clearly annoyed. "Would a 'please' kill you?" I ask. He doesn't answer and just stands there. "Fine. There, you may sit." I say while moving over.

Ayato looks at me smiling like he just won a battle or something. Rolling my eyes, I look out the window . Watching the world pass by.

Sometime later....

Finally reaching our destination, we get out. I look around in amazement. "Wow....such a beautiful garden." I say walking to the flower arch entry. "Of course. Always the best for the king." Ayato brags behind me. I turn around and glare at him. "Why are we here? I thought you despised me?" I ask.

He looks at me for a moment then walks into the garden. "Well, you have to show your pet kindness before it obeys." Ayato laughs. "Pet? Oh okay." I say walking pass him. "What? That's it?" He asks stunned. "Oh? What else should I say to a self-centered prick, who only cares about people obeying him? Or is it that you actually care about my opinion of you?" I ask while looking at the Rose bush.

"You think I care about your opinion? That's a good joke."
"But I don't see you laughing." Ayato immediately gives me a stern look. "Riley-2, Ayato-0." I say making a zero with my hand as I continue down the garden path. We soon come across a bench and I sit down. "What are you doing?" He asks annoyed.

"Resting, have a seat." I gesture to the open space next to me. "I'll take a seat when I want to." I shrug my shoulders and sit in quiet. A few minutes pass and he finally sits down. "So, what are we really doing here?" I ask him. "I needed fresh air." He states simply. "Sure you did. You know, I've been wondering something. Why are you so hard on Yui?" I ask.

"Pancake? Cause she is easy to manipulate and annoying."
"Doesn't mean bully her."
"Why does it matter to you?"
"Cause it's called respect and I worry for her." I answer getting up. Ayato follows my lead and we continue to admire the variety of flowers.
"Well she's mine and I can do whatever I want to her."

I stop and stare at him. "She's yours? She isn't a blood bank or a toy that you can just torture and use! She's a human being! She doesn't belong to anyone." I fume. Who does he think he is? I think as I bend down and pick a rose, pricking myself in the process. "I see you are jealous, but don't take it out on the flower." Ayato says walking towards me.

I feel him towering above me so I stand up to meet his gaze. Woah waaay to close there. I blush at our close proximity. He looks at me directly in the eyes and lifts my finger to his mouth. My eyes questioned him, but I knew exactly what he was doing and it still made me blush. He enclosed it in his mouth while closing his eyes.

I-is he actually be gentle? That's a first. I think while blushing. "Hmm. I see that I'm not that hated." He says with a smirk. I immediately try to pull my hand away, but he catches it in his. "Hey now, don't run away from me." He says inching closer. I quickly start to take steps back and he follows. "Listen here, Personal....Sp-space. You are way too close." I stutter. "Don't tell this one of your firsts?" He mocked. "No....yes? You have to be clearer." I say avoiding his question.

He then  smiles at me like he's winning some game. that actually a genuine smile? He's kinda cute right now. He suddenly grabs my hand and dragging me along. "I can walk you know." "Yeah, but I don't want to let you go right now." Okay now if you weren't such an ass, I'd consider you perfect. A challenge and a sweet talker. We get into the limousine and Ayato directs him to another place.

"Where are we going now?" He glances at me, but doesn't answer. Suddenly the limo stops and we get out. "...Really? Didn't expect this from you." "Well I am a king of all trades."
"I think you mean 'jack' , but whatever increases your ego." I say looking at the carnival rides. "I hope you know we are immediately getting on the Ferris Wheel." I say making my way there first. "Here you go chocolate for the couple." Says an employee handing me a big heart shaped chocolate box.

Ayato puts his arm around me and I shrug it off. "Thank you." I say as he closes the Ferris Wheel door. "Didn't say we weren't." Ayato smirks. "Cause I wanted the free chocolate." I state simply. I look out to the beautiful scenery and smile. "You know, I thought today was going to an irritating and solemn, but it was fun." I turn to look at him but he was already next to me leaning in. "If that's what you think. Then show some appreciation." He says as his lips touch mine. I feel him bite down to draw blood.

Is he...did he just... He moves away from me and licks the blood off his lips. I stare at him speechless as I touch my lips. "You look like you want more." He smiles. This made me snap out of my trans. "To be truthful yeah if I liked you. But now I just want to punch you." I say opening the chocolates. I start to eat them and he watches. "Want one?" I ask. He opens his mouth and points. "Oh I am not feeding you." He just waits there and says nothing. " Dammit fine. Such a child." I mumble to myself as I feed him one. "Sweet but not as sweet as y-" "Ride is almost over!Please be careful of where you step." Shouts the operator.  Ugh I hate him so much. So corny, happy he was cut off. I think as I cover my face to hide my blush. "Let's go." I hear Ayato say as he extends his hand out to me. I smile at him and grab it. "Where to next?" I ask as I hop down and let go of his hand. "The rollercoasters of course." He ays walking a little ahead of me. "Thank you." I whisper which immediately makes him stop. "What was that?" "Nothing." I say walking past him smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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