I just wanna go home

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Luci 1st

It was lunch time and I didn't see moose since yesterday at lunch .

I enter the lunch room and I scan the room for him . I saw him, sitting in the same place as yesterday , but this time he was reading a book? How did they even get books in prison? I studied him , mostly his features , like the way he wrinkled his nose and the corner of his eyes crinkled when you can tell the book was getting good. The way his pupils looked so concentrated and amused . He was mesmerizing ... So...

"LUCI!", shouted Gabe .

I finally snapped out of my trance.

"Wha?" , I said .

"Well if your done drooling and making googley eyes at Sam ", Gabe started.

"I don't make googley eyes Gabe ", I say defensively .

Gabe smirked and gave me a pointed look ," well ... I think now is a great time to do this".

"Idk Gabe ... I think now maybe to soon", said Luci.

"For fucks sake . I mean it's okay if you don't wanna do it. Sam's different and he doesn't deserve you right now. This is the exact reason he tries to stay out of everything ", Gabe snapped.

My eyes went dark. Doesn't deserve me? Everyone deserves sex ... And Sam is the only one who hasn't had it. Countless and countess of guys has tried to but Dean always finds a way that no one touched his baby brother . Fine , just to prove to Gabe that I can actually make Sam want me , I'm not gonna rape him.

"OMG LIGHT BULB", I say out of the blue.

"What?" Gabe looks confused.

I know exactly what I'm gonna do now ... I'm going to get Sam to fall inlove with me .



"EVERYONE GET UP ", said the correctional officer .

Garth rolled and fell off the bunk while I sat up extremely confused on what was happening .

" OKAY LADIES", said officer singer . The officer from yesterday who told me to get out the bathroom .He was a hard, tough , and good man . You didn't want to mess with that police officer . " Go outside and freshen up . We have an assembly going on at 7. Freshen up princesses ".

I looked back at Garth , where he was now rubbing his head.

"Are you okay ", I asked.

He looked at me , or more stared at me for a few minutes.

"Cas , has anyone told you that you are really hot with your hair all messed up like that. It looks like you just has sex ", said Garth.

I didn't mean to blush , but I did. So hard, it was embarrassing. I saw a glimmer of hope in garth's eyes.


I grab my flip flops and walk to the showers , with Garth and wait in line. I knew Garth meant well , but he didn't have to be by my side 24 / 7.

Orange is the New Cas ' A Destiel/Samifer Jail AUWhere stories live. Discover now