Well fuck

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Dean POV 1st pov

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK !", I screamed , seeing that dirty scum bag all over my baby brother .

I watch lucifer's face turn beet red, as I lounge forward ready to kick his ass. I swing my fist to knock his teeth out, when someone catches my fist.

"Dean stop", said Sammy calmly .

"No Sam , you go back to your cell now. I will deal with your ass later", I said , pushing Sammy to the side.


"What did you say", I said with my eyes opened wide.

"I said no , you can't tell me what to do dean . I'm not your little bitch like every single fucking person in this prison ! "

And with that my anger was to great to control , after everything that's been happening with me today. As in everything that has happened, I mean Cas leaving me hanging on that hand job .

I smacked Sam straight across the face , turning his cheek bright red .

Sammy whimpered and held his right hand to his face.

"Go ", I barked.

Sammy looked at me with cold and hard eyes, and slowly walked out of the room with Lucifer following behind him.

"Oh no you don't ", I said .

I pulled Lucifer back and pulled him by the collar up close.

Sam stopped , but I gave him that "get the fuck out or I'm going to do more than slap your baby face" look.

He left the room and that's exactly when I started.

"So lookey here , I thought you were an idiot before but this just shows the proof", I snarled .

"Get off me Dean", he said back. "Let me go back to my cell with peace".

" Now you want peace huh", I said ,slamming him hard against the wall . " Mess with me . Mess with my buddies. Hell even mess with my bitches . But no one , messes with Sammy .  This was the one rule everyone here knows not to fucking break!!! "

At this point my face is red and lucifer's jaw was clenched .

I wanted to punch him so bad but right before I can... someone grabbed my shoulders and grabbed my hands to cuff me.

"Now stop it ya idjits! ", yelled officer singer .

He prowled me off of lucifer , and said " I'm going to let you boys off with a warning , and but you guys do that again , it's back to isolation Winchester ".

And with that he escorted me back to my cell.

Cas POV 1st POV

I lay on my hard, safe , and Winchester proof bed, hoping dean doesn't think to look in here.

After 1/2 hour of just laying there, I begin to think .

I think to myself, why .

As they say " sometimes quiet is violent"

How did i become someone else's bitch? What happened to laying low ? What happened to living my own life?

I don't know how I got so engulfed in the jail life that I forgot about the outside world.

Regrets are full of mistakes but mistakes are full of promises .

He used to say ... Or tell me that.

I find my eyes slowly drifting  away when someone opens my cell.

"Castiel your getting a new roommate , Garth has been assigned a new cell. This guy is new , so show him how to do things here", said the officer .

I roll my eyes, great another person to add to drama.

My cell opened all the way and I heard footsteps. I got up , probably with really messy hair , but who gave a fuck. The new person might've well get used to this .

"Castiel meet your new roomate"

My eyes wandered to the legs of his bright orange jumpsuit he had on , slowly up to his face.

My new roomate squints his eyes & crinkles his nose and says "hi I'm Blaine"

Hey guys
OOOoooOO Blaine coming back to the story ... Without being the past😂
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Orange is the New Cas ' A Destiel/Samifer Jail AUWhere stories live. Discover now