Someone that I used to know

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Castiel POV

Castiel felt his heart pick up speed and he started to slightly shake.

"B-Blaine?", Castiel stuttered. Was it really him?

"Um yes, which bed is mine?", Blaine asked.

Castiel eyed Blaine, looking at his features . He looked older ... Well not older but scruffier . He had a noticeable stubble and his hair grew longer , but his eyes were more weary than the ones that Castiel remembered. His eyes used to be full of life and full of affection, but these eyes are dark and tired.

"You don't.. Recognize me?" ,Castiel said slowly.

"Why would I ?" , said Blaine confused.

"Would you excuse me for a second", Castiel said, walking well more like running out of the room.

He has been reunited with his love... But one problem ... He doesn't remember him.

Castiel felt like screaming at Blaine that it was him , but no he's running, he needs to hide. Isn't it what he does best, right? He ran from his destiny , he ran from his dad , he ran from Dean , and now he's running from his old love.

As Castiel ran long tears run down his face , he ran into the bathroom, but someone was there taunting him .

Of course this was where  Dean Winchester and Castiel would clash into each other.


Lucifer POV 1st

I walk into the room to see Sam crying . My heart immediately dropped to see Sammy like this. I walk over to him and run my fingers through his luscious hair . I don't know why everyone says he needs a haircut, I personally love his hair. The texture , the style itsel- okay I need to snap out of it and focus on Sam who needs me right now.

Sam opened his eyes and bolted up when he felt my hands.

"Lucifer! Are you hurt ?" He said worriedly . "I swear if h-"

"No Sam I'm fine, officer singer got there before any damage was done", I said.

"Oh god I'm so sorry", he said sadly.

"Its okay Sam , now come on its pretty late . Let's forget about this until morning, it's been a long day for everyone ", I said tiredly.

I get up and turn the lights off, making my way to my bed.

"Lucifer? ", I hear Sammy say.

"Yes sam "

"Well uhh", Sam started, even though the lights were off I can tell Sam was blushing. "Can you sleep in my bed tonight".

Astonished on what I just heard, I said yes, and climbed in bed with Sam Winchester.

Sammy immediately turned around and scooped me up. I turned into his little spoon.

"No no no lucifer is always dominant ", I thought . "I'm not no spoon "

But Sam's hot breath on my neck , and with his protective arm on my waist. I wouldn't have it any other way .

Orange is the New Cas ' A Destiel/Samifer Jail AUWhere stories live. Discover now