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"Hey Cas ", said Dean , sitting next to him holding his lunch tray.

"What you want to go now? My ass is still sore from earlier ?", said Cas , playing with his slop or what prison calls "food".

The first thing Cas wants to do as soon as he gets out of here is go to a restaurant and eat a huge bacon double cheeseburger with a milkshake and some fries. Cas's mouth waters at the thought.

Anyway , after the whole food fight thing Cas and Dean went at it in the storage room. It was a rougher fuck since they had a little more time than usual.

"What? I can't sit next to my favorite bitch", smirked Dean.

"Whatever", said Cas , rolling his eyes.

For a few minutes they sat in silence , Cas was surprised none of Dean's minions had not joined them by now. Cas glanced up at Dean and it looked like he was trying to say some thing.

" So you've never told me about anything about your family . How were they like ? ", said Dean casually , stuffing slop in his face.

Cas grimaced ," chew with your mouth closed and why?

"Fine dad ", said Dean. "And because I like to think of myself of your friend at least".

"Hah very funny Dean ", laughed Cas bitterly .

Cas looked up at Dean once again and saw Dean's hurt quiet expression at his cold statement  and Cas's hard eyes softened.

So Castiel decided not be an asstiel and thought , "fuck it"

" Well umm let's say my dad was a company owner and I never really knew my mom . I had plenty of siblings but we don't talk much , but they are all involved in the company also", said Cas , trying to not really get into it. "I mean we have to talk but only about when dad gave us an order . We were trained kind of like soldiers "

"What company", asked Dean curiously.

"Let's say it's highly illegal and kinda is what got me into this dump in the first place ", said Cas. "How about you? What about your family"

" Well I was part of something like you... Umm let's say it's the family business with Sammy. Well me and Sam , we've literally been to hell and back . We uh well saved people from bad things and in the end let's say the .... Enemies of the family business kinda screwed us over and that's how we landed our asses. Sam and I are lucky we got only got 5 years, it's because we had so many alibis stating we saved their lives ," said Dean rambling.

Cas squinted his eyes and titled his head that Dean quietly thought was adorable  .

"What enemies ?", asked Cas,

Deam coughed awkwardly and Cas could swear he could see pain in Dean's eyes.

"Well let's just say they were some evil sons of bitches", said Dean.

Cas was about to say something but someone had cut him off.

"Hey , Castiel right? Can I sit with you , my group kind of kicked me out", said Blaine .

Orange is the New Cas ' A Destiel/Samifer Jail AUWhere stories live. Discover now