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Cas POV and Dean POV

"Castiel if you don't stop fucking walking away from me I'll make sure your ass is redder than a fucking tomato", screamed Dean.

Castiel turned around furiously," you know what fuck you dean. And fuck off I want nothing to do with you!"

"Hey you two !", yelled one of the guards . "Calm down and stop yelling before I throw both of you in isolation ".

Castiel rolled his eyes and hurried back to his cell with dean of course following him.

Dean handed something off to a guard and closed the door behind him , locking both Castiel and dean in the room.

"Castiel take back what you said ", said Dean heated.

"No", said a stubborn Castiel .

"Why are you being such a fucking child", said Dean .

"Why are you being such a slut!", yelled cas back .

Silence etched the room while dean stared Castiel in shock  .

"Slut?! I'm the slut when your over here fucking Blaine every night!", yelled dean . "That no good piece of shit"

"DO NOT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT", screamed Castiel shoving Dean into the wall.

Dean was taken back with castiel's sudden emergence of strength .

"There is no sort of relationship between me and Blaine ", Cas said lowly . "Anymore".

Dean pushed cas off of him and says ," anymore ?!"

"Yes anymore dean ", said Cas. "I do not want to talk about it".

"Then what happened last night ? ", said Dean narrowing his eyes .

"I was walking back from showering naked because and I forgot my towel, and woke Blaine up", said cas .

Castiel could swear relief etched Dean's face when he said that .

"Not that I owe you any sort of explanation . Whatever this is that we have is over from the moment you decided to fuck Benny", said Castiel pure jealousy dripping from his tone .

"I didn't fuck Benny . I only marked him because I thought you fucked Blaine ", said dean offensively .

"Well good for you, you can keep him. Now can you kindly get the fuck out of my cell", said Cas angrily .

Instead of leaving , Dean went closer and closer to Castiel. Castiel back up until he hit his bed .

"Dean don't , leave me alone ", said Cas .

"Cas when I said you were mine I meant it. I know we never discussed the terms of this relationship of ours but I am yours as much as you are mine ", said Dean which made Castiel heart flutter and cheeks blush .

No cas you are supposed to be angry

"It doesn't change the fact you kissed Benny" , said cas .

"Castiel all I did was suck on his neck ", said Dean , now straddling Cas.

"That doesn't make it any better ", Castiel said grumpily. "Get off".

"Baby look at me", said Dean .

Castiel looked up , and Dean smashed there lips together . Dean kisses him hard while cas didn't kiss back.

"Kiss me back Castiel", said Dean .

"No", pouted Castiel

"Please", said Dean . "I'm very sorry".

Orange is the New Cas ' A Destiel/Samifer Jail AUWhere stories live. Discover now