Naked and afraid

625 21 27


It was now 9 , which meant Cas would be taking his shower soon.

As Cas walked down the lobby to the shower , he closed his eyes and yawned loudly.

Truth was , Cas was tired. He was tired of how stressed out , sad , and scared he had become . He felt like the world was turning without him , he silently wished that his sentence could soon be over.

He goes to the bathroom and slowly steps in with his flip flops on . All the prisoners were given those because no one ever cleaned in there. God knows what type of disease or man-eating bacterial lurked the prisons bathroom floor.

Anyway , Cas really loved this time of the day. It was the only time he was truly alone since everyone usually showered at 7. But officer singer gave an exception to Cas. Cas was truly greatful for the old correctional officer .

Cas turned on the hot water and he felt his tense muscles relax under it , as the water pounded against his skin. He exhaled slowly , moving his bar soap and started slowly tracing it along his body.

He even started to hum "Sister Christian " and he smiled to himself. He always caught Dean humming that mind absently . The silhouette of the green eyed man got it stuck in his head .

After a while , Cas had finally finished and technically should be getting out but it just felt so nice . Now he was just standing under the luke warm water. He always liked to use all the hot water up before he was done.

Cas's arm went mind absently to grab his towel , but when Cas pulled back the piece of fabric he had grabbed , it was his worn tunic .

Wait , did he forget his towel?

"Fuckkkk", groaned Cas.

He turned off the shower , placed the tunic over his junk and tiptoed back into his cell.

It was dark and cold in the prison , Cas began to shiver as he stepped in the now dark hallway to the lobby he had walked down many times before.

But something was just ... Different.

Cas couldn't explain it, but the feeling was chilling.

It was so cold that when he exhaled he can see his own breath.

Cas walked out to the main room with long strides , mostly because of nerve and the fact he didn't want to freeze his balls off.

As he entered the prison room dark cafeteria , as a shortcut to get to his cell , that's when he felt it.

A presence.

And that feeling was crazy since lights out was a half and hour ago.

Not even the guards were out and about during this time , they only left two guards watching cameras. They mostly dose off along with the prisoners.

Cas turned around abruptly, staring into the pitch black emptiness of the large room.

The only light source was from the a small rectangular window near the ceiling .

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