Real Life

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I slid out of the backseat of the cab with Sebastian following behind me, both of us wishing the cabbie a goodnight as we did so.
"So a museum huh, decided to keep the nerd perception alive huh?" I asked sending him a teasing smile as he laughed but nodded smiling at me warmly as we make our way leisurely through the near empty lobby.
"I guess so, God Mackie is going to give me so much shit for that" he smiled fondly at the mention of Anthony. We talk the entire way to our rooms, even subconsciously deciding to take the longer route of the stairs so we have more time together.
"But it's fine, we both had fun" He said while pulling open the door at the end of the staircase for me while I giggled.
"You calling me a nerd too?" I asked and he rolled his eyes while wrapping an arm delicately around my waist.
"Obviously" he laughed while I gasped in mock offense slapping his well developed bicep as we both laughed; coming to a stop outside of me and Elizabeth's apartment while our laughter faded.
"Well this is me" I sighed attempting to keep the sadness from my voice as he nodded along shifting from foot to foot as he straightened his cap.
"I had a lot of fun Aleksandra" he said while looking evenly into my cerulean orbs while sporting a gentle smile as he leaned down pressing soft a kiss to the apple of my cheek as I sighed my eyes fluttering softly at their own accord as he took a step backwards before spinning on the ball of his foot and taking a couple steps down the hallway as I began to unlock the door. I had just managed to unlock the door when I was pulled to the side surprised to find a wide eyed Sebastian as he tightly held each of my forearms.
"Just one more thing" he whispered as he let go of my arms sliding his left hand along the side of my neck and his right hand fall onto the small of my back. He slowly leaned forward until finally his lips pressed softly to mine, he tasted faintly of mint toothpaste and what I'm guessing was his beer from earlier as I reached up and ran my fingers through his silky hair nearly melting into his arms when he pulled me firmly into his chest and tangled his fingers in the soft hairs at the base of my neck pulling away only when air became necessary.
"Your kind of amazing too" he whispered against my lips while running the pad of his thumb over my jaw.
"Lizzie is probably watching us through the peephole" I whispered back both of us laughing as he took a step back, pressing one last kiss to my lips as he grinned.
"Goodnight Aleksandra" he said as he took another step backwards; slowly but surely making his way down the hallway to his and Chris's apartment.
"Goodnight Sebastian" I whispered mainly to myself.

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