Chapter 4

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I walked out needing a breather as I walked out into the forests. I walked through trying to calm my emotions. I stared at my surroundimgs, smiling. The nature in the forests of the island were so fascinating to me. The green leaves, hard wooden trees. They were all beautiful to look at. Just as I was spinning around in happiness my ears perked up when my wolf heard a twig snap. My heart sped up and I felt the world slowly coming to a stop as I turned to see perfectly blue orbs staring at me. I watched as the big black wolf that was way taller then my human form stare at me intensely. And my breath hitched when I found out who it was.

"Mate" she says happily


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I stared at the wolf as it approached me slowly. It stood in front of me and lowered its head as I was surprised. He was actually bowing down to me. I put my hand up to pat his soft black fur as it let out a happy sneer. I laughed before it licked a big strand of wetness up my cheek. I laughed before kissing the wolf on his head as it nuzzled his head on my neck.

"Jezzabelle, we're leaving" my dad says through mind link as I frown at the thought of leaving my mate,

Xavier must've noticed my frown as he stood up looking around protectively trying to find out why I was frowning.

"No, its okay" I say standing in front of him as he looked down at me,

"Its just, my dad wants us to go" I say with a chuckle as he actually did something that took me by surprise.

Did the soon to be alpha of the second ranking on the island , just whimper?

I laughed before wrapping my arms around his head as he licked my neck, feeling the tingly feeling of where his mark should be. I kissed his head before patting his head.

"I'll promise to not run off tomorrow in school, mate" I say with a smile as he wags his tail,

"bye Xavier" I say before walking out of the forests.

"Whats that smell?" My dad says running up to me sniffing me,

"Were you with a male wolf just now?!" My dad asks in his alpha tone glaring down at me,

"Yes, but he was just a friend" I say putting my hands up in defense as he sighed and walked into the limo,

"Dad?" I asked as we got into the limo,

"Yes, pumpkin?" He asks as the chauffer hops in,

"When are you leaving to the war?" I asked as he chuckled while putting his arm around me,

"Tryna get rid of me already are we now?" He asked with a chuckle before a loud howl erupted from the forests,

I looked out the window seeing a tall black figure running along the limo but was hard to see since it was still in the forests.

"What was that?" My dad asks looking around as I shrugged trying to change the topic,

"So when are you leaving?" I asked as he looked back at me,

"Well we decided to gather up tomorrow night to announce our movement to all the packs together" he says with a smile as i nod,

"We'll be leaving at dawn the next day. As soon as I step foot off the island Kaden and Xavier are to stay by your side till I come back" he says as I shudder at the thought of kaden,

"While Im gone your brother will be taking care of the island situations with some of the betas from the other packs, meaning you sweetie do not step out of the pack territory unless it is an emergency or when you have Kaden or Xavier by your side. If anything happens to you while Im gone both of those mutts are dead" my dad says as his jaw clenches,

"But also remember I will be checking in through mind link like usual to see if your ok and to see if everythig else is going fine" he says as the limo pulls in front of the mansion,

"How long will you be gone?" I ask as he helps me out of the limo,

"For a few days, maybe a few weeks. I dont know, the pack attacking us was reported to have lots of other packs and maybe other creatures helping. Their pack are willing to do anything to take over the island and also bring down the leader of the alphas on the island" he says as a frown shows up on his face,

"You'll do great dad, your packs are strong and powerful, it'd take a miracle for them to win my dad" I say with a smile as he chuckles,

"I love you cupcake" he says kissing my head as I giggle,

"I know" I say rolling my eyes before we walk in seeing a very angry Jason,

"I think I left something in th-" before I finished Jason stopped me with his growl,

"Why did you leave school?! I thought you were kidnapped or something?! Where did you go?!" He snapped as my dad chuckles,

"She was with me, she felt sick so I brought her home and we went out for ice cream, isnt that right sweetie?" My dad says turning around with a wink as I nod,

"Dont do that again! I thought I'd have to kill one of your male wolf friends" he said rolling his eyes as my dad walks into his office,

"In fine Jason, now shut up so I can go to sleep" I say pushing past him and walking upstairs to my room,

"Fine! But Im taking you to school tomorrow!" He shouted before I slammed my bedroom door shut,

I sighed before falling into my queen sized bed. I closed my eyes and fell into deep thoughts but all my thoughts were focused on one thing, Xavier.

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