Chapter 12

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"Jezzabelle!!!" I heard a voice shout as I woke up with a groan,

I looked to see the bed I was sleeping in was empty, oh shit! Wheres-

"Jezzabelle!" I hear Dwayne shout as I jumped out of the bed and make my way to my room,

I walked in seeing Xavier throwing punches at Dwayne as I gasped. I ran towards them and tried to pull Xavier off, but I knew I couldnt since his wolf already took over as his eyes were pitch black.

"Xavier stop!?" I screamed before his arm flew back hitting me as I fell back hitting my head on my night stand,

"Jezzabelle!?" Xavier screamed as I felt everything turn dark,


"I dont care! Just help her!?" A voice screamed as I felt myself being moved on something soft,

"Alpha your daughters fine, shes just unconcious" A female voice says as I hear Im assuming my fathers heavy breathing,

"Its gonna be okay Jezzabelle Im right here" I heat my brothers voice say before I heard wheels and its really quiet,

"Alpha princess can you hear me?" A mans voice asked as I open my eyes slowly,

"Is this heaven?" I asked as I squint my eyes at the lights and white ceiling in front of me,

"No princess , this is the pack hospital. Your father brought you here to have your head checked" I turn to see our pack doctor smiling at me as I smile back,

"Why am I here?" I asked as I feel a soft cloth wrapped around my head,

"Your head was bleeding, your father said there was a fight and you were pushed back. Then you went out like a light before one of the wolves in the fight carried you to your father and your brother came immediately to the pack hospital to check if your okay, and right now seems like your doing fine, little princess" He says patting my head softly not hurting me,

"I have to see her! Is she okay?!" I heard my dad snapped outside of the room I was in,

"Show me my sister or your dead meat!?" Ny brother growled,

"Hey doc can you do me a favor?" I asked with a smirk as he gulps,

"Sorry sir but your daughter lost alot of blood, and she didnt um make it" I hear the doctor say outside as I lay down and take off the wire connected to my chest and plugged it below to the bed making it look like I was dead,

"No!?" My dad and brother cried out before I closed ny eyes pretending to be dead,

"Move?!" they growled as I lay still hearing the doors being ripped off their hinges,

"Oh my gosh" I hear ny brother whisper as I felt a pair of hands holding mine,

"No!?" My dad screamed before crying on my chest as I couldnt hold it any longer,

"Ahahhaahahaha!!" I laughed out as their heads popped up surprised and shocked,

"Oh my gosh you shouldve seen your faces!" I screamed out while laughing as they glared at me,

"I got you! And you!" I shrieked as their glares turned into laughter,

"I hate you!" My brother laughed out as I felt my eyes water from laughing to much,

"Dont do that to me!? Im to old for this kinda stuff Jezzabelle!?" My dad says wiping his eyes as I sat up and hugged him,

"Im fine dad, shouldnt you be out there getting ready to leave?" I asked as he hugged me tightly,

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