Chapter 15

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I ran towards the woods before shifting into my black wolf.

"You idiot! You hurt our mate!" My wolf snaps as I growl in frustration,

"Dont you think Im sorry?! It pains me knowing I laid a hand on her but it wasnt my fault?! She said they didnt have a thing anymore and what do I see her do? She was touching him?! Shes only supposed to touch me!! Not a unmated wolf?!" I growled running faster as my wolf grunted in approval,

"She had a reason, he was hurt and you know they have a past that involved being more then friends" my wolf says as I growled loudly,

"No! Shes mine! Past or no past she cant touch him!?" I snapped hitting a tree as it collapsed,

"For the sake of the moon godess control your fuckin temper!?" he snapped as I slowed down my breathing and stopped at a creak,

"I know, it just.... With her position in the island, and her beautiful attraction Im just afraid to lose her" I say lapping up water with a frown,

"I know its hard since your mate is the most beautiful she-wolf on the island, and shes every male wolf's dream mate, and she hold a lot of power, and every alpha on the island wanna bang her, a-" I cut off my wolf with a loud growl as he snickers,

"Okay calm your wolf balls, What I was trying to say was that shes YOUR mate not Dwaynes, not those alphas, YOURS! And that means your the lucky one not them. Your the only one who could mark her, give her sparks, and my personal favorite, do the mating process for her to hold our pups" he says as I feel his smirk,

"Fine, I'll try to cool my temper and you try to cool our wolf" I say gesturing to below the fur as he chuckles,

"Yes alpha!" He says with a laugh,

"Now go out there and get YOUR mate" he says as I jump up and run back towards the training area.

I ran back to where my clothes were hiding as I heard the crowd from the training area cheering someones name. Just as I threw my clothes on I walked closer hearing them shout my mates name. I ran into the crowd as I see my beautiful mate walk up the stage with a smile as I smirk. My mate was actually gonna fight? I watched her brother walking up to her angrily as I pushed through the crowd trying to see if he was gonna hurt her, but lickily she said something back to him and smile as he growled and walked back angrily while I smirk. She was intimidating, and I loved it. I watched how most of the male wolves cheered at her and I breathed slowly trying not to let my temper get in the way from the show my mate was going to put on. I watched as her opponent looked like she was about to shit herself.

"This ones for you guys" Jezzabelle announces pointing at her friends as they smirk at the opponents scared face,

"Begin!" Her brother growled before her opponent circled her in her fighting stance nervously as my mate smiled and skipped around intimidating her,

"Come on!" her opponent shouts nervously as my mate laughs,

She lunged at my mate before she moved, watching her stumble.

"Is that the best you got pup?" My mate asks with a smirk as her opponent glares at her,

"Ahh?!" her opponent screams trying to tackle my mate before she grabbed her shoulder and pushed her to the back on her back,

"Come on!" My mate screams as her opponent jumps up trying to punch her before my mate blocked it easily and punched her jaw while she spat blood on the floor,

My mate was angry and I ran towards her when she tackled her opponent to the ground and repeatedly threw punches. I grabbed her waist from behind lifting her up as she squirmed.

"Calm down" I whispered in the crook of her neck as she calmed down at my voice,

"Calm down little mate" I say before carrying her away from the crowd as she calms herself,

I walked into castle before walking her to her room. I sat her down on her bed as she stared at me with those perfect brown eyes. I shrugged my shirt off before handing it to her gesturing to put it on as she stares at me confused before shrugging. I walked back to my room finding a pair of grey sweats and a grey beanie leaving without a shirt. I walked into my mates room as my eyes almost bulged out.

My mate stood in front of me without the crop tank and jeans. She stood in front of me with just a her calvin klein set. I stared at her perfect body. Her curves were so ravishing. She was facing the other way not noticing me there. She took her lovely hair out of its bun before shaking it out to its natural wavy length. I watched as her body swayed with her hair. Her hips and fitted ass made me feel excited. My wolf purred as she slid on my shirt that reached above the knee. Even with my shirt her curves still showed as I licked my lips. She turned around with a shriek as my wolf was trying to take control.

"Xavier!?" She screamed as her face turned red,

I walked close to her as her eyes looked up at me with lust and fear. I caressed her cheek before kissing her soft lips. It had been a longer make out cession then I expected before she pulled away breathlessly as me. We laughed before I took her hand in mine and walked to the kitchen of the castle. She laughed before we started making random food we mixed up trying to see who made the better dish.

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