Chapter 6

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After spending half of my day being surrounded by buff men, confused looks, glares from every girl I saw, and of course the best part, Xavier protecting me as if I was a piece of glass - noticed the ssarcasm.

But anywho, now its Lunch time but this time I sneaked away from Xavier telling him I had to use the bathroom, but really all this protective thing was giving me nausea. I stood by my locker and rubbed my temple before I felt someone tower over me from behind. I looked behind me to see non other then my ex Kevin.

"Hey baby whats wrong?" he asked putting his arm next my head as I was trapped between his body and my locker,

This would've been really hot towards me, but all I feel is disgust. I knew since I found my mate I wasn't gonna be that attracted to other men anymore. The mate bond was to strong, especially with a soon to be alpha.

"Kevin just leave me alone" I say trying to push him off,

"Oh no can do, yah see you still havent gave me my afternoon snack" he said reaching his hand down as I gasped,

"Get off her!" I heard a voice growl as my heart raced,

"And who the fuck are you?" Kevin asks holding me close to his body as I try to get away.

"Stop fucking moving!" he snapped before he let go of me,

I haven't even reached the floor till I was scooped up into non other than Xavier arms, as the sparks came back.

"Kill him" he says turning to Kevin as the buff guys he hanged out with lunged at him,

I looked away as I buried my face into his chest trying to ignore the fact that Kevin was literally behind teared to shreds right behind me.

"Shhhh, it's okay baby" Xavier whispers as I feel the tingles in ny body,

"Come, we'll go to lunch" he says kissing my cheek before carrying me bridal style to the cafeteria,

As soon as we walked in everyones eyes turned to us as I hid my head in his chest. He walked with his head held high as I could pratically feel the glares and stares on us. He sat down and placed me on his lap before growling at everyone to turn away.

Everyone turned back as I looked at the table. The rest of his gang came back and sat down as I looked around.

They all literally looked like they belonged in front of a magnum magazine as I stared at their faces.

"So you must be the one my cousin here talks about 24/7?" A guy says as I turn to see a guy with black hair, black beared, tattoos on his neck, a eyebrow piercing, dark brown eyes, and dimples.

"Hello" I say putting my hand out to shake before it was grabbed away,

"Don't touch her!" Xavier snapped as I roll my eyes,

"Im jezzabelle" I smiled as I see the whole table staring at me and my face turned red,

"Aww look she's blushing" A buff guy says with blonde hair, nose piercing, a black coat, and green eyes.

"No Im not" I say covering my face as I hear their deep chuckles,

"Anyways, Im Logan, Xaviers cousin" The guy from earlier says as I nod,

"Im Eric" The blonde one said with a wink as I hear Xaviers low growl,

"Im Geo" One with black hair and brown eyes says,

"Im Nico" One with orange hair says as I hear his accent,

"My names Jack, and this is my jackass of a twin, James" A guy with black hair and a lip piercing says as him and his twin smile at me,

"Im Ben" one with a scar on his left eye says as I smile at him,

"Im Jared" One with curly light brown hair says,

I turned to the last guy that didn't introduce himself. He was staring somewhere as I looked to where he was looking at. I gasped when I saw who he was staring at and laughed. He turned to me confused , as the rest of the table did too.

"Why are you laughing?" Xavier asked as I pointed at the guy,

"Whats your name?" I asked as his eyebrow arched,

"Jordan" he says with confusion,

"I know who your mate is" I say with a smile,

"Mate?" Xavier asks turning to Jordan,

"Shes my bestfriend" I say as he looks at me with wide eyes,

"How did you know?" he asked as I giggle,

"The way you looked at her is the way my dad used to look at my mom" I say with a smile as he smiles at me,

"I've seen her in the pack house before and I thought she was really pretty. And today I turn 17 and I guess the moonlight goddess picked the right one" He says as I smile,

"Excuse me" I say getting up before Xavier pulled me back onto his lap,

"Where are you going?" he asked with worry in his eyes,

"Somewhere" I say gesturing towards my lunch table as he nods,

I walked towards the table as I see Irene looking around. I knew her mate instict was kicking in.

"Excuse me miss, but your mate is awaiting" I say to Irene as she gasps with the rest of my table,

"Where?!" She screamed as I grabbed her arm and dragged her towards her mate that was staring at us intensely,

"Irene, Jordan. Jordan, Irene" I say before she jumps into his arms.

"Yay! Mate! Mine!" She screamed as everyone turned to us and I laughed,

"The fuck are yall lookin at! Keep your eyes off mah man!" She snapped before everyone turned around,

"I love you!" She said excitedly as I looked at them with a smile,

I stared at them before a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. The sparks from his touch were growing as he kissed my neck,

"Your mine, and mine forever princess" he says with his sexy deep voice as I almost melted into his buff arms,

"Jezzabelle?" I turned around to see non other then-

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