Chapter 11

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*Warning Mature Content*

"Dwayne what the fuck?!" I whispered turning to see him laughing silently,

"You should've seen your face" he says as I turn on the light and hit his chest,

"That wasnt funny! What are you doing in my room?!" I asked sitting on my bed as he sits next to me,

"I missed you" he says moving a piece of my hair from my forehead,

"Your horny arent you?" I asked rolling my eyes as he nods,

"Ugh make it quick and quiet because there are alphas in this house that can bust through that door and kill you" I say standing up and walking into my bathroom,

I left the door open and took off my make up as I see Dwayne in the mirror laying down and staring at the ceiling. I laughed before taking all the diamonds out of my hair and letting it flow down my back. I wiped the make up off and slid the dress off. I took off the jewelry and left my heels near the sink.

I walked in seeing Dwayne take off his shoes as I laughed. He turned to see me lean against the doorway with nothing but my red lace underwear and bra set. I heard him growl before I walked over to the bed swaying my hips as his eyes turned black.

I barely touched the bed before he pulled me by my waist and kissed me hungrily. His hands flew to my ass with a smack as I smirked. My hands trailed up his shirt feeling his six pack before he pulled away and threw it over his head. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he sucked on my collarbone. He unclasped my bra and threw it to the side before sucking on my left nipple as I bit my lip trying to hide my moan. He trailed his hand down my waist before cupping my laced covered wet core. He left hickies between my cleavage before pulling away. I unbuckled his belt and he shook off his jeans as I stared at the big print on his calvins. I pulled it down before he ripped my panties.

He slapped my core before licking his wet hand as I laughed.

"Your nasty" I whispered as he chuckled,

"So are you" he says before sticking his wet finger in my mouth as I suck it cleaned before taking it out of my mouth with a pop,

"Now hurry up, and give me a ride on your wolf" I said with a wink before he lifted my leg on his shoulder and rammed into me before smashing his lips on me to cover my moans,

"Oh my gosh" I moaned as he exploared my mouth with his tongue,

"Fuck you stay tight princess" he groans as I pull on his hair,

"And you grow to much mutt" I said with a smile before he picked up the pace as I scratched his back,

"Fuck!" He said into my ear before put his head in the crook of my neck as we climaxed together,

*Mature content over lol*

"You know, if I do find my mate, I bet she wouldnt be as good as you are" He says laying next to me as I get a weird feeling in my stomach,

"Your on the pills right?" He asked putting a blanket over us,

"Yeah" I said still in my thoughts,

"I mean I wouldnt mind a pup, espicially from you, but your dad would mind, alot" he laughed as I feel a pain in my stomach,

"Are you okay babe?" he asked as I nod and try to cover the pain,

He sighed before pulling me onto his chest as the pain continues. I didnt know what was, I've never felt this feeling before when I slept with Dwayne, why do I feel it now?

"Maybe its cuz Dwayne is not your mate dumbass!" My wolf snapped as I roll my eyes,

"Shut up! You know you liked it!" I snapped back in my head,

"It was stress relief , not love. If you had sex with our mate, you wouldnt be having the pain in your stomach now would you?!" She snapped back,

"What do you mean?" I asked confusedly,

"See this is what happens when you dont pay attention to sex ed for wolves! And mating!" she snapped as I rolled my eyes,

"Dont roll your eyes at me! But anyways when you find your mate you wont have a strong feeling to other wolves other then your mate, so when you have sex with another wolf not only do you get pain in your stomach but your mate as well, signalling that your mate has slept with somebody else. Since he didnt sleep with anyone else, he knows! And I suggest you get rid of that mutt right next to you by dawn before your hot and sexy mate comes in here raising hell. Since he is asleep right now he wont be alarmed till he wakes. So he'll be furious when he find that next to you, okay its my time to leave bye" she said as my eyes widened,

"Shit!" I whispered to myself as I hear Dwaynes light snores.

I pulled away from Dwaynes arms before picking up my one of my pajama shirts that reached up to my mid thighs. I put my hair up in a bun before walking out quietly. I turned to Xaviers room as I felt my heart race. I slowly opened his door as I could hear his snores. I closed the door quietly before walking over to his bed.

It was dark in his room, the only light there was the moonlight shining on his bare back while he snored on the bed with only his boxers on. My mouth drooled at the sigh of my mate half naked on the bed by himself in front of me. I yawned before sliding next to him. I turned away from him laying next to him before I felt a buff arm pull me against a hard chest. Sparks flew along my back and waist as his hot breath fanned over my neck. He cuddled his face into my neck before I happily fell asleep, as I tried to forget the fact that this happy moments gonna go away as soon as his eyes opened.

Oh shit! Anyways vote and comment for more on this book and my new one called "mine" teehee bye ^~^

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