Chapter 9

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After a half an hour of names being called, and stares from many male wolves my father finished calling names as everyone became silent.

"Now! The rest of you guys will remain here, safe. And with four alphas I've chosen to stay back" My father smiled before turning to all the alphas behind me.

"Alexis Arrelano, Grave Knight Pack" My father announces as the Grave Knight Pack cheer and whistle,

"Mark Wright, The Kind Prowlers Pack" He continues as the Kind Prowlers Pack cheer and whistle,

"Ace Walker, Scarred Depths Pack" He stated as the Scarred Depths Pack cheer and throw excited comments,

"And two of these men standing up here will be protecting my beautiful daughter" He says as cheers were made,

"I love you Jezzabelle!" Irene screamed as I laugh,

"Have my babies!!" Damien screamed as I heard a growl from my fathers and other males mouth,

"If only!" I screamed back before there were glares at me,

"Love you bouncy butt!!" Damon shouts with a smirk as my dad growled,

"Ok!" My dad snapped in his alpha tone as the island grew so silent you could here a pin drop,

"Kaden Giddeon , Crimson Claw Pack" My dad announces as I hear the howls and cheers come from his pack,

"There is a slight change, there will be one more protecter that I'll be needing for my daughter" My dad says,

"I'll protect her!" Dwayne shouts as his friend chuckle along with him,

"Me too! Where do I sign up!" Logan shouts as I see the captain of the soccer team wink at me,

"Nah she need a hot wolf like me to protect her at night, if you know what I mean" Damon shouts as his twin laughs with him before the crowd erupted in many male wolves throwing comments about protecting me,

"Quiet!" My dad growl before its quiet again,

"The person that will be protecting her will be, Xavier Knight soon to be alpha of Midnight Moon Pack" My father says as my heart quickened when the sweet chocolate smell of mate got closer,

Just then the crowd split in two when a black wolf and two dark browned fur by its side slowly walked down the isle of the split wolves. Their jaws opened showing their canines as I heard a low growl. I felt tingles in my stomach as Xaviers wolf passed by the wolves growling at them as they flinched back, even the twins flinched and cowered back letting Xaviers Wolf pass up the stairs where my father stood looking down at the black wolf that bowed his big head down at his feet with respect.

"Jezzabelle , show your protector his new room upstairs" My dad says through mind link as I gulped down my nervous feelings and nodded,

I got up as everyone's eyes were glued on me. I walked up to the wolf that was staring at me intensely. I put my hand out as he looks at my father waiting for his nod. My father nodded and the wolf stood up towering over me as I shudder before walking into the pack house with him trailing along. I felt the glares of the alphas before I closed the doors. I sighed before turning around and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Oh my gosh! Put on some clothes!" I screamed as he chuckled,

"I would but as you see you haven't shown me to my room with clothes in it yet" he says as I sigh frustratedly,

"Ugh! You couldn't have waited till we went there and then shifted!?" I snapped still covering my eyes,

"Well then how much fun would you have not staring at your hot mate nakedly standing in front of you" He says as I can feel his breath on my neck,

"Ok! Lets go!" I said frustratingly moving away from his naked body,

My heart raced as I heard his sexy, deep chuckle. Jezzabelle calm down! I sighed walking up the stairs. Omfg I forgot that I never asked my dad where his room was supposed to be.

"Dad?" I asked through mind link,

"Top floor, third door on the left sweetie" He says back as I got onto the top floor,

"How d-" but then I stopped when I remembered wolves cab read each others minds, espicialy ones in their family.

I walked to the third door as I noticed it was the room on the left of mine. I paused before opening the door to see everything was already set up as the chocolate smell from my mate filled the room.

"How did your stuff get here?" I asked still staring at the room.

"While you went out for a run your dad got me to move my stuff here , and I left before you came back just to make sure I didnt scare you" he says walking in as I stared down at his tone body,

"Ummpph sexy" my wolf says as I shake my head

"Shut up!" I snapped at her,

"Ayye come on, your just as excited as me. Espicially since he's gonna be in the room right next to you while your fathers gone" she howled in my head as I roll my eyes,

"You okay there?" Xavier says cutting me out of the conversation I was having with my wolf.

I looked to see he had a pair of khaki shorts on with white vans, and a white wife beater showing off his toned and buff arms making my mouth water.

"Done eye fucking me now? I mean if you wanted to get to the mating process already theres a bed right here?" He asks with a smirk as my face heated up,

"Uh no!" I snapped trying to deny the fact that his messy black hair was such a turn on right now,

"We have to get back. Wouldn't want the other male wolves waiting for me now?" I ask with a smirk before I was being pinned to the bedroom door which was now closed.

"Your mine!" he growled before there was a knock on the door.

Ooooh hehe ;) Anyways vote and comment for more ^~^

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