Chapter 24

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My eyes flew open when I heard a loud growl erupt from the castle. I turned seeing I was naked and alone in Kadens bed. Thank god! I jumped up picking up my clothes before running inside my room.

I took a quick shower before throwing on a pair of socks, sweats, and a crop top showing my belly button piercing. I threw my wet hair up in a bun before walking outside hearing growls and teeth snapping. As soon as I stepped foot downstairs there was a limp body of a wolf thrown at my feet. I looked at the wolf whimpering as I noticed it was Kaden. I bent down to pet his fur before my hand was being snatched away by a naked and very angry Xavier.

"Dont touch him" he says slowly as I noticed his wolf was taking control and his canines were sticking out with blood,

"Let go of me!" I snapped remembering last night,

"No!" he growled before I was lifted over his shoulder and in a blur was pushed against his locked bedroom door,

"Your mine!" He growls as I growl back and push him off me,

"Dont your mine me!? You cheating asshole!?" I shout angrily as he looks at me confused,

"What are you talking about?" he asks tilting his head as I roll my eyes,

"Oh please! Dont bullshit me! You cheated on me last night you bastard!?" I shout punching his chest as I noticed the tears flowing down my face,

"Jezzabelle!" he shouts holding my wrists as I sobbed into his chest,

"You cheated on me! I felt the pain" I whisper as I noticed we were sitting on the floor with him holding my wrists,

"I never cheated on you" he says as I hiccup,

"Then why did I feel it?" I ask pointing to my belly as he looks deep into thought,

"I think I know someone who knows" he says as I look at him confused before he carried me out of the castle,

He carried me towards the Evening Raven Pack as I looked at him weirdly. As soon as I spotted Richard I jumped out of Xaviers arms and ran into his. He chuckled before I was pulled back into my possessive mates arms.

"Hello princess, what makes you pop up to see your old paps?" He asks leaning against the open door to his pack house,

"We need to ask you something Mr.Cate" Xavier says hugging my waist as Richard stares at us in awe,

"Young love" he sighs as I roll my eyes,

"How bout you two love birds come in for a cup of tea and tell me about that question?" he asks before I nod eagerly and drag Xavier into the house,

"Hi Mary!" I shout as the elderly woman losing her hearing looks up at me with a smile,

In richards pack house there were elderly people everywhere, and I knew every single one as if they were my own grandparents.

"Morning princess!" John says passing by on his wheelchair as I wave,

I dragged Xavier towards Richards office before Richard closes the doors and sits us down. He pulled out two cups and poured the hot tea into it as I smile at the smell of fresh tea. He handed me and my mate one before sitting at his desk.

"So, whats the whole commotion?" he asks with a smile,

"Well, last night while my mate was partying" Xavier starts trying to calm his wolf,

"She felt the pain of me sleeping with another wolf" he says as Richards eyes widen,

"But, I wasnt" he finishes as Richard looks at him confused,

"Are you sure young man?" he asks eyeing him up and down,

"Yes, I wouldnt even think about another wolf when I have a beautiful mate like Jezzabelle to come home to" he says smiling while holding my hand as I roll my eyes,

"Well umm.......... Let me think" Richard says opening drawers from behind his desk,

He searched through his desk full of stuff before finding yet another ancient book like the pack doctor had.

"Feeling pain without it actually happening" he says flipping through pages while putting on his round glasses,

"Ah! Here we go" he says scanning the page,

"Well?" Xavier asks nervously,

"If your feels the pain without it actually means..." he trailied along with a gulp as I stared at him in confusion,

"Means what?" I ask confused as he takes his glasses off and rubs his temple,

"Jezzabelle who was the last person you were with when you felt the pain?" he asks as I shrug,

"Alot of people were with me, i dont know" I say with a shrug,

"No I mean someone who was with you before you went back to the castle?" he asks as I remember something,

"I was with the new guy at our school, Carter" I say as his eyes widen,

"New? As in hes new to this island?" he ask as I shook my head,

"No, he said his mom gave birth to him here and got sent off because his father found his mate but now hes back" I say as Richard sighs and rubs his temple even more,

"We need to go see this Carter" Richard says standing up as I nod and trail along with Xavier behind,

"Whats going on pop pop?" I ask saying Richards nickname I gave him when I was a kid while we're in his car,

"Theres something not right about this Carter fellow and Im gonna find the answer" he says pulling up to the pack house I was partying at last night,

"Jezzabelle!" Carter shouts happily running towards me when I step out of the car before a growl was heard from my very possessive mate,

"Dont touch her mutt!" Xavier growls pulling me into his arms as Carter stops and looks up at him with a smirk,

"Dont get mad at me, I wasnt the one who was with another wolf that wasnt my mate last night" he says with a smirk before I struggled to pull back a very angry mate of mine,

"Xavier!?" I shouted frustratedly as he turns to me calming down,

"Carter?" Richard asks looking Carter up and down as I look at him confused,

"Yeah wassup?" Carter asks with a nod,

"What was your mothers name?" Richard asks adjusting his glasses,

"Carmin Lyvon why?" Carter asks glaring at richard as he gasps,

"I shouldve known!" Richard says as his eyes widened in shock,

"Your the son of the island witch who was kicked off the island for trying to turn an alpha to her mate!" Richard says backing away as Carter smirks and his eyes change into a light green color before turning to me devishly.

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