Chapter 25

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I stared at him in shock before I saw my mate running towards him angrily. Just as he was about to get close he was being thrown back.

"You know, for a daughter of the alpha king you sure know how to pick em" he says with a chuckle before walking towards me like a predator hunting its prey,

"Son, dont" Richard says walking in front of me before being thrown off,

"What do you want from me?" I ask backing away as he continues to walk forward with a smirk,

"Dont you get it? I want you" he says before pulling me against his chest while I try to squirm out of his hold,

"Please stop" I say as he kisses my neck disgustingly,

"I know how to make my mark on you stronger then your stupid mates" he says with a smirk as my eyes widened,

"Get off her?!" Xavier shouts before being thrown back by Carters powers again,

"Now your mine" He says as I watch his canines grow out of his mouth,

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact before his arms around me was being pulled off. My eyes flew open when I saw four wolves chowing him down roughly.

"Jezzabelle?!" A never forgetful voice says as my eyes widened in happiness,

"Daddy?!" I scream running into his arms as he chuckles,

"Hey princess" he says kissing my forehead as I smile widely,

"How did you get here so quickly?" I ask confusedly as he smiles,

"Well the war finished quickly and as soon as we made it back to the island I sniffed my way here seeing some mutt trying to mark my daughter without my consent, I guess I came at the right time right?" He asks with a nod as I burst out laughing,

Before I finished laughing I was being pulled out of my dads arms and into very tingly ones. As soon as that happened my dads eyes grew pitch black as I pull away.

"No!" I shout as his eyes turned back,

"Why do you smell differently Jezzabelle?" My dad asks sniffing me as I gulp nervously,

"Sir, your daughter is m-" before Xavier finished I cut him off,

"Daddy dont be mad but I found my mate?!" I say frustratingly as my dads eyes widened,

"Who?!" he snaps looking around angrily,

I stayed quiet as I let Xavier wrap his arms around me. My dads eyes widened when he saw that and I smiled nervously.

"I cant believe it" A voice says behind my dad as Xaviers dad came up behind him with a smile,

"Im so proud of you son" He says with a smile while pulling Xavier into a hug while my dad is still in shock,

"Dad?" I ask before a smile was planted on his face and I was immediately pulled into his arms along with Xavier and his dad,

"Who wouldve known my childhood bestfriend was gonna have a son that was my daughters mate" he says nooging Xaviers head,

"Keep it easy on him Benny dont wanna ruin his hair before your daughter does" Malcolm chuckles as I blush,

"So? Did you two finish the mating process?" Malcolm asks with a wink as I blush even harder,

"Yes dad, we marked and mated already" Xavier says wrapping his arm around my waist as I smile feeling my mate against me,

"When are my grandbabies coming?!" My dad and Malcolm say at the same time as we all burst out laughing,

"When your ready son, how does it feel like to take my title?" My dad asks smiling at Xavier as his jaw dropped,

"W-w-what?!" Xavier asks with a gasp as I laughed,

"Well Im aging, and your brother in law hasnt found his mate yet so..." My dad says with a smile as my mate is excitedly jumping up and down,

"Tell yah what, if my son doesnt have a mate by the time my daughter is 18, I'll let you have the title of Alpha king and Luna" My dad says as my mate practically jumps into his arms happily,

"Thank you sir?!" He shouts kissing my dads cheeks as my dads eyes widen and so do mine,

"Dont go to far son" he says pushing my blushing mate away,

"Anywho! Since Im back we are going to have a celebration for the war we won" He continues with a smile,

"So, announcing my daughter finding her mate will also be one of the celbration announcements tonight" He says kissing my forehead as I giggle,

"Calum!" My dad snaps before our beta was by his side in seconds,

"Yes alpha king?" He asks with a smile,

"Your fired" My dad says with no emotions as my jaw dropped with Calums,

"B-b-b-" before Calum even finished stuttering my dad growled,

"Get gone! Your ruining the atmosphere!" He says glaring at him as he nods before rushing away surprised and sad,

"Dad?! Why'd you do that?! He was cute?!" I say throwing my hands up frantically before a growl was heard from my very possessive mate,

"Well, if my little princess is gonna be the Luna of all Lunas with her mate, the new alpha king, your brothers gonna need a position" he says fixing his suit as I roll my eyes,

"Thank you so much alpha" Xavier says shaking his hand excitedly as my dad looks at me awkwardly,

"Okay if you dont stop doing that Im gonna kick you off my island personally" My dad says as Xavier chuckles nervously,

"As king you are respected, never say sorry" my dad says with a straight face as I roll my eyes,

"Theres alot of rules to learn about being King, so lets start now, son" he says pulling Xavier away walking with him as I groan,

"Your father just wants my boy to be as powerful as him princess" Xaviers dad says as I laugh,

"Yeah, I know" I say as he walks with me under his arm with a chuckle.

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