Chapter 22

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"Bye babe" I smile as my hot mate goes to third period leaving me by myself :(,

"Hey gurl!" Irene says putting her arm around me as we walk into english together,

"My mates not in this class either" She sighs as we sit down in our regular seats,

"Class, most of you guys dont know this but we have a new student today" Ms.Wong announces as we roll our eyes and continue talking about random shit,

"Class this is Carter Adams, since he is new our lovely principal has decided for me to pick one of you guys to show him around the school this period, as a free period" She continues as I hear the whole class hooting and hollering for the oppurtunity,

"Got a king?" I ask Irene as we continue playing goldfish somehow lol,

"Nope" she laughs as I groan loudly,

"Dammit!" I snapped sarcasticlly before grabbing another card,

"Oh why thank you Jezzabelle, for accepting the job" Ms.Wong announces as I turn to see everyones eyes on me,

"What the fuck did I accept?" I ask confusedly as the class laughs,

"Language young lady! And your job to show Carter here around the school, right now!" She snaps as I turn to see a guy with a big smirk on his face,

"Language young lady! And your job to show Carter here around the school, right now!" She snaps as I turn to see a guy with a big smirk on his face,

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"Well lets not wait for the grass to grow, come on!" She snaps as I groan and stand up walking towards the unmated wolf who was eye raping me the whole time I was walking towards him,

"Hey sunshine" He smiles as I roll my eyes and walk out,

"Hey, did you hear me? I said hey" He says standing in front of me in the empty hallway,

"Yeah I heard you, fuck off sunshine" I say with a smile as he looks at me shocked,

"Woah, are you blind or are you blind?" He asks with a hand on his hip as I roll my eyes again,

"You just asked the same thing dipshit" I replied as he gasps,

"D-do you know who I is?" He asks shocked as I shrug,

"A dumbass" I say with a shrug as he gasps,

"My father is a powerful alpha and he can have you killed for talking to a future alpha" He replies rudely as I smile,

"Well sorry future alpha I'll make sure my father will have a talk to your as soon as possible" I say saluting him as he smirks,

"Just tell me what pathetic position your father is in and I'll make sure my dad hears about this"he says cupping his ear to hear as I laugh,

"My fathers pathetic position?" I ask innocently as he nods,

"Yes cupcake" he winks as I gesture him to come closer,

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