Chapter 14

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"Bitch ova hea!" I hear Cynthia scream as we walk over to her, Ashley, and Amy standing in the middle of the crowd.

"Hey" I hear someone say grabbing my arm before I reached the girls,

I turn to see Dwayne with bruises and scars as I gasp.

"Are you okay? Oh my gosh" I say as I caress his cheek,

"Yeah it'll heal in a few days" he chuckles as I run my hand over a cut on his jaw,

"Jezzabelle get away from him?!" A growl erupted from the crowd as I turn to see everyone move out of the way for my very angry mate,

"Im sorry, I didnt know you had a mate" Dwayne says as I look up to him with a smile before being pulled away,

"Dont ever touch my mate?!" Xavier snapped in his alpha tone as Dwayne bows and walks away,

"Okay calm it alpha dont hurt your mate" I turned to see Eric smiling down at me,

"Hey Jezzabelle" Eric says with a wink before Xavier growled,

"I would never hurt my mate!" He snapped as Logan, Jack and James, Nico, Ben, geo, and Jared came up from behind Eric,

"Xavier calm down" Logan says as Xavier grips my arm even harder and I whimper out in pain,

"Xavier let her go your hurting her?!" Logan snaps before he lets me go and I fall into Logans arms,

"I need to go for a run" Xavier says before running off as Logan lifts me up slowly,

"Jezzabelle!" Irene shouts as I turn to see her, Cynthia, Amy, and Ashley run towards me,

"What happened?!" She screames as Logan backed off me letting Irene check if I had any bruises besides the one Xaviers hand left on my upper left arm,

"Ohhh Im gon-" before Ashley could finish she froze and turned to Logan staring at each other,

"Lemme guess? Hes your mate?" Irene says rolling her eyes before ashley blushes and Logan pulls her into his arms,

"Man can yall just focus! My bestfran has a bruise from her mate and yalls tryna get it on!?" Irene screams as everyone turns to us now,

"She wolves and Uh Male wolves I guess" my brother announces on the stage that was in the middle of the crowd as everyone turns to the stage,

My brother stood in front of everyone with nothing but a pair of basketball shorts as all the she wolves eye my brother with lust.

"I know with my father gone to war your probably thinking, why are we training for war? Well because I said so!" My brother growls as the crowd flinches back at the same time,

"Im playin" My brother chuckles running his hand through his blonde hair as I roll my eyes,

"Well since my father is gone he has told me to still keep the training in order because with the alpha king gone his home is left open to anyone who comes in or out of this island okay, so thats why we still need to train to stay alert and ready" He says smiling before he started the training,

"These four alphas will be teaching you guys the basics of the training. I will call a list of four names each to come up here and see who can pin down their oponents, which is these alphas. If you can pin one of these alphas down then your fighting abilities without shifting will be great for war" My brother says as Ace, Kaden, Mark, and Alexis walk onto the stage with nothing but their basketball shorts hanging loosley on their hips.

The Mate All The Alphas WantWhere stories live. Discover now