Chapter 8

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I ran till my paws started hurting as I ran back towards the pack house. I went in through the back door and shifted in my room. I changed into a pair of black booty shorts and a white crop top before knocking out.


"Jezzabelle!!!" I heard someone growl before I was being pushed off my comfortable bed.

"Ahhh!" I screamed before a arm wrapped around my waist while the other covered my mouth,

"Mmmmh mmmmmh!!!" my muffled screams came out before I bit the persons rather large hand,

"Ow what the fuck!" The voice says as I turn on the light seeing my idiot brother with a pink bite mark on his palm,

"Jason! Don't fucking do that shit! I thought you were a murderer or some shit damn!" I shouted pulling at my hair frsustrately,

"Im not a murderer, Im just your very hot brother" he says raking his hair with his hand trying to look like a model,

"Shut the fuck up! What are you doing in my room?!" I snapped while crossing my arms,

"Dad said you got twenty minutes till the ceremony for him to announce his movement tonight" He says walking out as I gasp,

I ran into the bathroom taking a quick shower remembering to use my really nice vanilla scented shampoo and bodywash. I ran out and walked into my closet searching for the right outfit. I knew since it was a ceremony I had to wear something hot but at the same time appropriate for my fathers approvement of course. I dug through it till my door bursted open.

"The princess is here!" Irene announces as I roll my eyes,

"What are you doing here?!" I asked frustratingly still digging through my clothes,

"Uh thats what WE are here for" Irene says as I turn to see Cynthia, Ashley, and Amy walk in.

Irene had a short black dress that had tears (not crying tears , like ripped tears lol) , she had her black pumps, black and white nails done, and her hair was curled to one side with a white diamond barret on her side.

Amy had a red dress that was poofy at the bottom, sleeveless at the top,her hair straighted, a diamond necklace on her chest, red lipstick, diamond earrings, and red heels.

Ashley had on a nude dress that was loose on one side and tucked in on the other. She had diamonds coming down from her chest to the bottom of her dress above her knee, she had nude heels and her hair was up in a bun.

Cynthia being cynthia of course came in a dress shirt that was just below her knee, nike high tops, curled hair, and a snap back.

They looked at me as I sigh frustratedly.

"I call hair!" Amy shouts,

"I pick the outfit!" Irene says before running into my closet,

"I got nails!" Cynthia says as I look at her white and black nicely done nails,

"I got make up!" Ashley says raising her hands before they pulled me onto my bed and got to work.

After the whole mess we made in my room I looked at myself and I was hot af!! No wonder people say Im the hottest she-wolf on the island.

My hair was curled down to my back, and my bangs were curled to the side as my hair had little diamonds on the curls. I had a Smokey eye that had glittery golden eyeshadow. My eyebrows were nicely shaped and plucked. My lips were bright pink with lip gloss. My neck had a diamond J necklace my dad gave me when i was ten, somehow Irene found it lol. My body was covered in a glittery golden dress at the top which was slanted, and the bottom that reached my mid thigh was black and had ruffles. My nails were black with golden sparkles as a design of a heart. My shoes were golden sparkly heels I had in the back of my closet. And my ankel bracelet my brother gave me in eighth grade. I smiled as my friends admired their work.

"If I wasn't mated I'd mark you right here gurl!" Irene says as we laugh,

"Lets go! Wouldn't want the male wolves to miss out on this mouth watering prize!" Ashley winks as I roll my eyes,

We walked in a group down the stairs as I can already hear the cheers, howls, and shouts from the whole pack of islands outside the door.

When we stepped down I saw my other friends from school in dresses and caked faces. I laughed before we walked in a big group before opening the door.

When Karina and Josselyn opened the doors the island erupted with cheers, whistles, and howls as we all laugh.

"You all know my precious, kind, smart, and the most beautiful she-wolf on this island, my daughter Jezzabelle Jackelyn Johnson!" My father announced before the crowd went wild as soon as I stepped out of the group of girls,

"Wooh! I love you Jezzabelle!!!" I turned to see my gay friend Dustin yell before I roll my eyes,

"Thats mah bitch!" Irene shouted,

"Ayye thats mah bestfriend! Thats mah bestfriend!" Cynthia and Ashley cheered before I stepped onto the stage where my father was waiting,

He pulled me into a tight hug before kissing my forehead and sitting me down by his side. He sat in the middle of the stage facing everyone, me on his right side, my brother on his left, and the worst, the 14 alphas behind us. I sat down feeling the stares on me as I sat down.

"Now Wolves of the island. It is my pride and duty to announce my movement tomorrow morning with most of the alphas here. We will take out best warriors from each pack and leave tomorrow morning. If we call your name then you will be packing tonight, saying goodbye to your mates, family, etc. Then we will leave. So we will call each names from each pack and so on and so on" My dad finishes with a chuckle,

"Alright lets begin" my dad says as the crowd cheers.

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