Chapter 17

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"And thats why the rogues need to be kept out" Jason says as I feel myself falling asleep,

This meeting is literally killing me. We've been here for only a few minutes and already Im having thoughts about killing myself then being here.

"King?!" one of the guards says running in breathlessly as all of turn our heads to the alarmed guard,

"The princess is missing" As soon as he finished we all ran upstairs to my mates room,

We flew past the guards and knocked down her door. Her scent instantly took over my senses as I sniff happily before I smelled an unfamiliar scent. It smelled of something that wasnt wolf. And then it hit me. A vampire!


"Wake up mutt!?" A voice snapped as my eyes shot open,

I bolted up as the smell of vampires hit my nose. I looked around seeing I was in a dark room, with a silver chain around my neck to keep me from shifting into my wolf. My hands were tied up and dirty. I looked up seeing I was chained to a wall. My head shot towards the two male vampires who were eyeing me like a piece of meat, well to these blood sucking assholes I probably was.

"Aye! Look! She awake mate!" The very pale one with light red eyes, brown hair, buff body, and fangs showing says with a smirk,

"Shes a cute one, where'd you find her?" A very pale one with orange hair, light red eyes, skinny, with fangs asks with a smirk,

"Guess where?" the other one asks with a laugh,

"Where?" the other one asks confused,

"In the castle" he laughs as I roll my eyes,

"You know Im right here right?" I asked as they turned to me with amusement,

"Wonder what the alphas gonna say about this one, shes a sassy one" The orange haired one says as they laugh,

"Lets go see" the brown haired one says walking towards me as I back away,

"Oh dont worry princess, we're just going to see wether your gonna live or be our next meal" The brown haired one says with a wink as I try to pull away but them being them they easily ripped the chain off and pulled me up with their arms tightly gripping my arm,

"Since Im almost gonna die, can I at least get the names of my killer helpers?" I asked as we passed by what I guess were dungeons for other prisoneers they had,

"Im Pablo, hes Johnny" The orange haired one says as they both smile at me,

"Your really pretty, but since your one of those mutts we'll just have to see what alpha Ken says about you" Johnny says before we come to humongous brown doors,

"Here goes nothing" Pablo says before we walk inside a humongous room,

There were vampires everywhere as my nose almost died of their scent. Their was a way in the middle for the guys to take me as the other vampires were trapped behind a line that Im guessing was sun light? They snarled and glared at me as I glared back.

"Dont worry about them, you should worry about him" Pablo whispers as a familiar scent hit me,

Wait? What? I sniffed the air as a scent of chocolate hit my nose. Oh shit!?! No! N- Before I finished yelling at myself a loud crashing sound was heard.

I looked up seeing Pablo and Johnny was across the room injuredly laying on the floor. My head shot up when I felt a shadow tower over my small figure before my hands were set free. I tried not to make eye contact knowing what gonna happen.

"Look up princess" A very masculine deep voice says as I slowly lifted my head,

First I looked up seeing a buff chest poking out through a white shirt. Then my eyes went up closer seeing a very sharp jawline with a cute stubble and a pair of fangs sitting on top of a set of pink lips that I wanted to kiss. My eyes itched its way up slowly seeing a nose, then a pair of light red eyes staring into mine.

"Mate!" he growls as the room grew silent,

He engulfed me into his buff arms as I felt sparks ignite leaving me confused. How could he be my mate? I already have one? What?

He turned me around as the room of vampires stared at us confused before cheering.

"Whats your name angel?" The man asks turning me around with his arms still around my waist,

"Jezzabelle" I say with confusion as he chuckles,

"I love your name, its cute, just like you, my beautiful mate" he says as his nose rubs against my jaw inhaling my scent,

I mean I love the whole feelings and sparkles but this couldnt be. Im a wolf, hes a vampire. I have a mate, is he confused? I decided to gather all my strength to push him off me as the room filled with gasps and whispers.

"Im sorry but I already have a mate, and hes my kind" I say trying to back away before his smile turned into a glare as his eyes turned a dark red,

"Mine?!" He shouted before engulfing me into his arms again very fast before I felt a sting in my neck as my vision blurred,

Oh my gosh?! Did he just- Mark me!!! I screamed in my head before darkness took over me.

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