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My phone started buzzing.

"Hey Chloe!" A voice boomed.

"Hi James." I replied.

"I got free tickets for the Championship tonight."

"What championship?"

"The fight, duh."

"Okay, and?"

"I got two tickets. You're coming with me."

"What about Ryan?"

"Dude, we're going to see him only."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You didn't know? He fights."

"James, this isn't funny."

"You have your laptop in front of you right? Just google Ryan Anderson fight."

I searched what he told me to. There were pictures of him in the boxing ring. What the hell?

"I'm guessing you're speechless?" James said.

"Why didn't he tell me?"

"He'd assumed you already knew. He's never lost a fight by the way."

"This is crazy. I'm going to talk to him." I said, getting up.

"Um dude, he's already gone to the stadium." James stated.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Sure. It's already five. I'll pick you up. We could eat something and then head to the stadium."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Bye." He said and cut the phone.

Mixed emotions clogged my mind. I hate to admit it, but the fact that he's a fighter intimidated me a lot.


I could hear people screaming or cheering, I think, as soon as I entered the stadium. I felt like a misfit.

"Dude, he's gonna be so happy you're here." James shouted over the noise that the crowd made.

"Yeah, he better have a death wish." I muttered.

"Let's get to our seats. It's in the front row."

"What a lovely day! I get to see my boyfriend beaten up." I said sarcastically.

"Correction. You get to see your boyfriend beating someone up."

"Why does he even do this? He has a hell lot of money."

"Fights were what gave him his money initially. And Chloe, this is his passion." James said like it was no big deal.

We took our seats as the fight was a bout to begin.

"Welcome to the Third Annual Fight Championship! Please welcome The Tiger- Lewis Patterson, our first contender!" People cheered. "And also welcome our two-times winner Ryan Anderson!" Even more people cheered.

That Lewis Patterson guy was huge. My heart started beating faster. Ryan looked towards the crowd and spotted us. He smiled brightly at me. I smiled back fearfully.

Round 1.

Everything was a blur. I could faintly remember Ryan punching that guy repeatedly and he fell down. My eyes were closed.

"Chloe, chill. Ryan is going to win this." James said. I ignored him.

Round 2

Ryan's face was clean. He wasn't punched at all.

Once again, the Lewis guy fell down with a thud.

It took me a while to realize. Ryan had won.

"Our winner for the third time in a row is Ryan Anderson!"

I sighed in relief.

"Where's the dressing room?" I asked James.

He pointed towards a flight of stairs. I nodded and made my way.

Ryan Anderson

The room's door had a placard which had his name. I opened the door.

He was standing there. He looked at me.

"Hey, I--"

"You're an idiot!" I shouted. H looked at me with amusement.

I walked up to him and started hitting his bare chest.

"Chloe, you're going to get hurt." He chuckled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I snapped.

"I thought you knew." He said.

"Well I didn't, genius."

"I like it when you're feisty."

"What if something happened to you?"

"If we answered all the What-if questions, we'd never do anything we love." He said simply.

I was speechless.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I was worried." I mumbled.

"That's sweet." He said. I smacked him.

"I'm kidding. Thank you." He said.

And that was when I realized. I was in love.

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