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"Give me an update on the Aveo deal?" Ryan says on the phone as he types rapidly on his keyboard.

"What do you mean there's no progress? I've been waiting for seven months for this. Seven." He yells.

"I'm giving you twenty four hours. If I don't get a response, this is done."

He slams the phone on the table.

"What happened?" I ask.

He looks at me and sighs.

"It's so frustrating. I'm so damn patient with these incompetent clients and this is how they repay me."

"But have you thought out what you're gonna do without the funding?"

"I'll find somebody else then."

"It's not easy, Ryan. You'll have to plan out all the-"

"Chloe, I don't have time for this," he interrupts. "Let's see what happens. I have other problems to deal with right now."

I raise my hands up in surrender.

"Did you check your email? I've sent the growth chart. Just review it and make changes, yeah?" He asks me.

"Of course." I say and enter my cabin.

I open my mail and take out a notepad.

New mail from rickporter@portersltd.com

Who is this?

Hi Chloe.

I hope this message reaches to you as soon as possible because we've got some things to talk about. What things you might wonder? I've some information for you and it's pretty important to you, I'd say. I'm a businessman and I'd love to work on a deal with you. I'm sure you wouldn't dare say no.

Oh, and also, if your little lover boy finds out about this conversation, it might cost you much more than you might think.

Rick Porter

I roll my eyes. People can't even threaten well anymore. Just, wow.

I dial Ryan's number on my phone.

"Hey." He says.

"I've got a mail from Rick Porter."

"Is it a threat?"

"Some deal he wants to talk about."

He chuckles.

"He's funny. Don't reply." Ryan says.

"I'm getting tired of this, Ryan."

"Of what?" 

"These secrets, these people that I don't know anything about!"

"Chloe, these people are dangerous. Knowing about them won't reduce the danger that they can cause. Besides, we've just met. How do you expect me to tell you everything that constitutes my past in such a short time?"

"Wow, are you really justifying this? Everyday, I get a new surprise. New people threatening to kill you, new people telling me things! How do you want me to react to that?"

"Listen, I have a meeting right now. This conversation can be done later." 

"Don't you dare hang up on me. I want answers! Any relationship is based on telling each other everything!"

He sighs.

"I can't do this. What do you expect from me?"

"Are you seriously having to ask me that?"

"You know what? If you have such a problem, leave."

"Great, you're back to running away from confrontation!"

"I'm just avoiding irrelevant conversations."


"Why are you being such a--"

"Don't even say it, Ryan."

"Fine, if you can't accept me for who I am, I can't help it."

He hangs up.

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