Chapter 2: Being in Training

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(Two years later- At The Precinct)

After, two years of exceptional patrol work Geyia was finally qualified to join homicide and become a homicide detective.

Geyia was sitting with her partner Jiyah Thompson for training to be a successful homicide detective.

(The Phone rang)

" Whenever the phone rings you pick it up immediately." Jiyah instructed.

" So, I drop everything I'm doing and answer the phone. " Geyia clarified.

" Exactly, for example if we call you at home , you need to answer your phone. " Jiyah explained.

" Well we got to go. " Donn said
Donn Anderson was one of the top homicide detectives at the precinct along with Jiyah Thompson.

" Yeah. " Jiyah said while he got up.

" Can I come with you guys ? " Geyia asked eagerly.

" You're suppose to come with us to observe. " Jiyah informed her,

" Oh great! " Geyia cheered while she, Jiyah, and Donn went to the crime scene.

There was a guy laying upside down on a construction building dead.

" What happened ? " Donn asked while he looked at the body.

" It looks like a bullet in the back , and the head. I'd put the death between 1-2 am this morning." Melinday explained.

Melinday Patterson was the Medical Examiner or Coroner her job was to observe dead bodies and perform autopsies and examinations. She's been the precinct's Medical Examiner for five years and has done her job as good as anyone. Patterson's passion to become a Medical Examiner stemmed from her parents. Her mother and her father were both Medical Examiners back in the day and Melinday found interest in it by watching them.

" So how did he get on the construction building ? " Jiyah asked.

" By the clothes he's wearing I'd say he was working on it. " Melinday said.

Then, Donn walked over too Jiyah.

" I found a business card in his wallet his name is Henry Dodge he's been a construction worker for six years and he owns Dodge boy construction site. " Donn explained while he handed Jiyah the business card.

" Great let's get back to the precinct. " Jiyah said while he, Donn, and Geyia went back to the precinct.

Donn called in the victim's family for questioning.

" Hi I'm Detective Thompson and this is my partner Detective Renhelm what were you guys relationships to Henry Dodge ? " Jiyah asked.

" I'm his girlfriend. " Maddie said while she shook his hand.

" I'm his father. " Denver said.

" We wanted to tell you that Henry is dead he got shot this morning at his construction site." Jiyah explained.

" Oh my gosh! NO. NO! " Maddie shouted while tears came down her cheeks.

" What? oh my gosh! " Denver shouted while he shedded a tear.

" Look I know this is a hard time for you two, but I need you two to answer some questions. " Jiyah said calmly.

" Okay. " Denver said as he wiped the tears away.

" Do you know anyone that would want to kill Henry ? " Donn asked.

" Maybe Lottie Gards she hated Henry because he never payed Lottie back. " Maddie said while she wiped her tears.

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