Chapter 4: One Down, More to go

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(Next Day-Monday Morning)

Geyia and Jiyah were waiting for a phone call anytime now.

" Jiyah where's the room with all the files in them ? " Geyia asked.

" Down the hall to the right. " Jiyah told her.

" Thanks. " Geyia said while she went to the file room.

Geyia was determined to find all the information about her dead boyfriend's case, so that's what she did. Geyia looked through all the files with the last name "W" but she didn't find anything.

" It has to be in here. " Geyia said while she felt frustrated.

Then, Jiyah walked in the file room quietly.

" Hey what are you looking for ? " Jiyah asked.

" Nothing. " Geyia said while she closed the drawers.

" Hey we got to go. " Jiyah said as he walked out the file room.

" I'm coming right now. " Geyia said while she walked out the room.

" Hey um do you know anything about the Cashten Whittley case ? " Geyia asked eagerly.

" What ? " Jiyah asked not hearing her correctly.

" Nothing. " Geyia said quickly while she and Jiyah went to the crime scene.

There was a man dressed as a jack in a box sitting by a tree dead. His body was positioned as if he was sleeping by the tree in the shade.

" What happened ? " Jiyah asked.

" Well it looks like a knife in the heart, and torso. " Melinday said while she wrote it down.

" What's the time of death ? " Geyia asked.

" Between 12:00 am-1:00 am this morning, to be more accurate I would say 12:55am. " Melinday said as she nodded.

" Any information on the victim ? " Jiyah asked.

" Yes, his name was Byron Nanoll he worked at a pre-school nearby, that's why I think that he's wearing the costume. " Melinday explained.

" Thanks Melinday we got to go. " Geyia said while she , and Jiyah drove back to the precinct.

Geyia, and Jiyah called in the victim's family members.

They walked in the company room, and sat down.

" Jiyah, I can do this alone. " Geyia said softly.

" All right go for it. " Jiyah said while he walked away.

" Great! " Geyia smiled, and looked at the victim's family.

Geyia walked in the company and room and sat across from them.

" What's going on ? Where's my son? " Caridee  asked while she looked concerned.

" Byron is dead we found him sitting by a tree wearing a jack in a box costume. " Geyia explained.

" What? Don't lie to me! who did this? what happened to my son ? " Caridee shouted while tears came down her cheeks.

" Who killed him my son ? " Will  asked while his eyes were filled with tears.

" That's what we're going to figure out, but I need you two to help me. " Geyia said.

" What do you need ? " Caridee asked while she looked terrified.

" Do you know anyone that would want to murder your son ? " Geyia asked.

" I don't know he used to tell me about the other pre-school teacher named Korina Bruch she really hated my son she never had a reason for it she just didn't like him. " Will explained while he wrote it down.

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