Chapter 9: The Trio

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(Next Day-Friday Morning)

Jiyah was at his house getting ready for work until he got a phone call. He quickly ran out the bathroom, grabbed his phone from his unusual messy bed, and answered it.

    “Hello ?” Jiyah asked.

    “Hey Jiyah it’s your sister Connie I wanted to call you earlier, but I figured you were asleep.” Connie explained.

“Oh what did you want to tell me ? ” Jiyah asked as he walked back in the bathroom.

“Grandpa he’s in the hospital.” Connie said sadly.

“What ? How? What happened ? How long has he been in there ? ” Jiyah asked a series of questions while he was worried.

“He had a heart attack on Wednesday he’s going to be in the hospital for a few weeks.” Connie informed him.

“Why didn’t you tell me this when it happened ?” Jiyah asked curiously.

“Because I knew you wouldn’t of answered your phone your career is your entire life. ” Connie shouted.

“That’s not true ! I always want to know what’s going on with you guys, but none of you tell me anything not you, not grandma, not anyone ! ” Jiyah yelled.

“WE DON’T TELL YOU ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS REACT LIKE THIS ! ever since mom and dad died seven years ago you’ve been wrapped up in your career twenty-four/seven. ” Connie argued.

“Stop bringing mom and dad into this, I’m the way I am and it’s not because of their passing. ” Jiyah argued.

“Stop lying to yourself ! It’s not healthy for you emotionally! ” Connie shouted back.

Jiyah just ended the call, and set his phone aside, he then got ready for work again.

Kuren Thompson and Cory Thompson (Jiyah and Connie’s parents) were viciously murdered by their next door neighbors on May 16, 2008. It was a windy night a full moon outside it was late at the time where everyone in the neighborhood were either sleeping or trying to sleep. Kuren and Cory were two of the people who were trying to go to sleep that night, but their next door neighbors were arguing loudly keeping them up. Until, Kuren and Cory heard enough they walked next door, rang the doorbell, and waited for a few minutes.

When Mrs. Seewhin (next door neighbors) opened the door madly.

    “What do you people want ? ” Mrs. Seewhin asked annoyed.

“We are trying to go to sleep and you and your husband are preventing me and my husband from doing so, we’ll like it if you two would keep it down.” Kuren  advised them.


“ You need to lower your tone because all we came over here to do is notify you and your partner that it’s late and that you guys need to quiet down now ! ” Cory explained.

“Don’t you dare talk to me that way !” Mrs. Seewhin exclaimed.

Then, Mr. Seewhin walked up to the door and stood by his wife Mrs. Seewhin.

    “We’re going to go back to our house since you aren’t really understanding what we’re trying to tell you.” Kuren explained.

Kuren and Cory waited for a response, but all they saw was Mr. and Mrs. Seewhin whispering to each other. Before Kuren and Cory knew it Mr. Seewhin went back inside, came back out with a shotgun , Mr. Seewhin tossed the shotgun to Mrs. Seewhin, and Mrs. Seewhin pointed the gun at Kuren and Cory. As soon, as Mrs. Seewhin pointed the gun at them Kuren and Cory  ran as fast as they could, but not fast enough Mrs. Seewhin shot Kuren three times in the head. Mrs. Seewhin catched up with Cory and shot him four times in the neck.

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